KH-V in Final Fantasy: A Short Story by Shadow (Part I)

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Jan 18, 2008.

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  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.

    Warrior: Roxasvsriku
    Thief: Shadowjak
    Monk: Rosey (I know the monk is male, but I'm changing it)
    White Mage: Catch the Rain
    Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side
    Red Mage: Darkandroid
    King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed
    Princess Sara: Mish
    Garland: Rat
    Matoya: Misty
    Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie
    Bahamut: Sara
    Lich: ! (TCO)
    Marilith: K a i r i
    Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol)
    Tiamat: Laurence_Fox
    Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute)

    When I refer to THE PARTY that means RVR, SJ, ROSEY, CTR, VIVI, and DA

    So, the story starts off, with the entire land going haywire nuts omg. When 4....6 warriors that were described in the 'Prophecy' came to Cornelia to save the land and capture the long lost crystals. But first, they need to save the princess.

    nRa: hey guyz, wat r u doing?
    RvR: Uh, we came to see what is going on.
    nRa: ORLY?
    Rosey: Yeah, we heard that your daughter, Princess Mish was missing.
    nRa: oh ya, she was captured by that ****** garland
    DA: Oh, where is Garland?
    Vivi: Shut up Darkandroid, you dont deserve to talk, inferior spell caster.
    DA: Whatever, at least I can heal...
    Vivi: Pfft.
    nRa: garland is up north, in that old castle thing.
    CtR: I say we go there, and fight Garland.
    SJ: Good idea CtR, I'll give you rep now.
    nRa: make sure you dont die or anything.

    So, the party goes up and gets in a couple fights. DA is the only one to get injured.

    Vivi: DA you n00b, why you get hurt.
    DA: Shut up, they all went after me.
    Vivi: No, its because you suck.
    CtR: Yeah, You cant even do good spells or anything.
    DA: But, I can do both...
    CtR: Bah, thats nothing.
    DA: Whatever.

    The party continues on to go up to Garland's castle. They enter.

    Rat: wow, look at teh n00bs
    RvR: We are awesome. Dont underestimate the power of six level 2 heroes.
    Rat: w/e you suckzorz at this game
    SJ: Oh wow, you are so big and scary...NOT
    Mish(From back of room): HELP ME, DONT JUST SIT THERE AND TALK WITH THAT ******!
    Rosey: OKAY MISH!


    To be continued...(I have to leave school)
  2. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    OMG i r in =D thanks dude ^^ nice story
  3. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    oh, boy. I am a damsel in distress. P:

    and NRA is my father, wtf. D:
  4. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    It's like I see pixelated chibified KHV members as I read this. :3 How awesome is that?
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