KH-V in Final Fantasy: A Short-ish Story by Shadow (Part III)

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Jan 20, 2008.

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  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Characters + Prep
    Part One
    Part Two


    Warrior: Roxasvsriku
    Thief: Shadowjak
    Monk: Rosey
    White Mage: Catch the Rain
    Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side
    Red Mage: Darkandroid
    King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed
    Princess Sara: Mish
    Garland: Rat (Noobish boss that thinks hes amazing but he sucks)
    Matoya: Misty (Blind witch that need her crystal eye)
    Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie (Dwarf that needs TNT)
    Bahamut: Sara (Upgrades the party to their pwnage forms)
    Lich: ! (TCO) (Boss)
    Marilith: K a i r i (Boss)
    Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol) (Boss)
    Tiamat: Laurence_Fox (Boss)
    Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute) (FINAL Boss)

    When I refer to THE PARTY that means RVR, SJ, ROSEY, CTR, VIVI, and DA

    We resume the story again where we left off, up at the bridge that King nRa is fixing for the party.

    nRa: hurry up you loser workers
    Workers: Almost done sir!
    RvR: Finally what has it been, like 10 minutes already?!?
    nRa: I know so long we have no paitence.
    Rosey: You guys, just wait.
    CtR: Yeah, everything will be alright, we just need to have fun.
    Vivi: Stop being in such a good mood Catch.
    CtR: Hey, dont act like that.
    Vivi: I'll do what I want.

    SJ shows up. Still looking tired.

    SJ: Both of you shut up already
    Vivi: No, free country, freedom of speech
    SJ: I'll show you freedom of speech
    Vivi: That makes no sense.
    SJ: Shut up!

    Vivi snickers.

    Workers: All done sir!
    nRa: there ya go go to pravoka now and kill people and stuff
    RvR: Yeah okay we will.
    Rosey: Yay, lets go.

    The party walks east for about an hour.

    Vivi: Anybody know where we are going?
    RvR: Uh, yeah, we are going to Pravoka.
    Vivi: Where's that?
    Rosey: This way.
    Vivi: Oh, well, if we're lost, dont blame me.
    CtR: Fine.
    DA: Hey, so...uh...whats happening?
    DA: But...
    Vivi: Just no.
    DA: FINE, be that way.

    The following is a battle
    Reader Discretion is advised.

    Rosey: Oh no. Five Goblins.
    CtR: No biggie, if we all work together, we can win.
    Vivi: Pfft.
    RvR: Just fight.
    SJ: Yeah.
    Vivi: Fire.

    Vivi waves his arm at a goblin, fire appears, and then the goblin is turned into ash.

    Vivi: I am so amazing.
    RvR: Stop bragging.

    RvR rushes at a goblin, while slashing its head off, blood spews from the goblins neck, and RvR is covered in it.

    RvR: Eww.
    SJ: Suck it up princess.

    SJ runs towards a goblin and trips it, then violently stabs its neck. Blood proceeds to cover SJ.

    SJ: Cool.
    Rosey: That's so gross.

    Rosey runs at a goblin, punching its face and stomach too many times to count. The goblin doubles over and makes a loud groan.

    Rosey: Super fists for the win.

    The last goblin runs towards CtR and viciously scrapes her face with sharp claws.

    CtR: Ow! Ow! Ow!
    DA: Dont worry Catch. I'll help you. Minor heal.

    DA waves his hands towards CtR, and some of the wounds close up, bleeding stops.

    CtR: Thank you so much Darkandroid!
    DA: Dont worry about it.

    CtR thinks DA is still and inferior healer.

    Vivi: Thundara.

    Vivi waves his hand at the final goblin, and a vicious lightning bolt crashes onto it, demolishing it.

    End of battle, although, RvR and SJ are still covered in blood.

    The party collects 100 gil from the battle.

    CtR: See, no problem.
    Rosey: Your face looks pretty bad.
    CtR: I can fix that. Heal.

    CtR presses her hands onto the wounds on her face, after a flash of light, the wounds are gone.

    RvR: Okay, lets continue onto Pravoka.
    SJ: Yeah, I need new clothes.

    After walking for another hour, the party reaches Pravoka.

    Rosey: This town is pretty crowded
    Vivi: Oh well.
    RvR: Lets go to the inn.
    CtR: I agree.

    The party heads to the inn, where they pay 10 gil and sleep there. In the morning, they all get up and are forcefully shoved out of the inn.

    Rosey: Wow, nice friendly service.
    CtR: I agree.
    Rosey: I was being sarcastic. was I.
    RvR: Hey look, there's a ship in the harbour, I wonder who's it is.
    SJ: I could care less.
    Vivi: Same here, lets just go to the spell shop, I want some new spells.
    CtR: Me too.
    DA: Me t..
    Vivi: NO!
    DA: Ugh.

    The party walks toward the spell shop, but is stopped by a few pirates on the way.

    Pirates: Hey you! Want to duel us pirates?
    RvR: That depends, what do you have to bet against us.
    Pirates: We have a boat.
    Rosey: (Aside to party) Hey, the boat in the harbour must be theirs.
    RvR: So, you bet the boat and we bet 1500 gil.
    Pirates: That's not nearly enough.
    RvR: Well, thats all we have.
    Vivi: If we lose, you can have Darkandroid here.
    DA: HEY!!
    CtR: (Aside to DA) Shh, we wont lose.
    Pirates: Done. Lets fight.

    To be continued...
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    D: I am not that insanely happy all the time am I?


    awesome story Shadow ^^ I am actually really loving this thing (: it makes me laugh and also makes me want to squish the characters because of their insane cuteness

  3. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Thank you so much. It's not easy trying to implore the personalities of members into the story of Final Fantasy.
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Well you are doing a pretty good job :3
  5. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    I made an appearance.
  6. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I'm almost at the point of feeling sorry for DA.. He'll have his turn one day!
  7. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    This is some awesome ****.
  8. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.

    Nice story dude, gotta love my cockiness.
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