KH-V in Final Fantasy: A Not So Short Story by Shadow (Part V)

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Jan 23, 2008.

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  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Characters + Prep
    Part One
    Part Two
    Part Three
    Part Four


    I am giving you free entertainment, I wonder how you could repay me....

    Color Codes:
    Red = Notes for the readers convenience.
    Blue = Narration
    Regular = Dialogue
    Green = Other


    Warrior: Roxasvsriku
    Thief: Shadowjak
    Monk: Rosey
    White Mage: Catch the Rain
    Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side
    Red Mage: Darkandroid
    King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed
    Princess Sara: Mish
    Garland: Rat (Noobish boss that thinks hes amazing but he sucks)
    Matoya: Misty (Blind witch that need her crystal eye)
    Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie (Dwarf that needs TNT)
    Bahamut: Sara (Upgrades the party to their pwnage forms)
    Lich: ! (TCO) (Boss)
    Marilith: K a i r i (Boss)
    Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol) (Boss)
    Tiamat: Laurence_Fox (Boss)
    Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute) (FINAL Boss)

    When I refer to THE PARTY that means RVR, SJ, ROSEY, CTR, VIVI, and DA

    We left off during a fight with pirates, at stake was a ship, 1500 gil, and DA. 4 Pirates are dead, and 5 are injured by lightning. Recently, Rosey has been embarrassed when her shirt fell apart, and she confessed to CtR about having a crush on Vivi.

    CtR: Okay Rosey, if you don't want, you don't have to fight the rest of the battle, we can take these guys.
    Rosey: Okay thanks, I cant go back out like this.
    CtR: Okay, well, before I go back...Cure.

    CtR places her hand on Rosey's wound, and it seals up, and stops bleeding.

    Rosey: Thanks, now go and kick some butt.
    CtR: We will.

    The REAL end between CtR and Rosey's personal conversation.

    Meanwhile, back in the fight.

    RvR: Where did CtR go? Oh well.

    The following is a battle, reader discretion is advised.
    RvR slashes a pirate to shreds.

    RvR: Hey hey, one hit kill.
    Vivi: No biggie, I've done that a few times. Fira.

    Vivi makes a dramatic movement with his hands towards the 4 remaining Pirates, and 3 get engulfed in flames and are reduced to dust.

    Vivi: Heh, three for one.
    SJ: I'll take the last one out.

    The final pirate jumps onto RvR and slashes his sword into RvR's back. RvR screams in pain and falls back. Then, SJ quickly slits the final pirates throat.

    CtR: Roxasvsriku! I'll help you! Cure!

    CtR waves her hands at RvR, but nothing happens.

    CtR: DANG, out of MP.
    DA: Dont worry, I can heal! Cure!

    DA touches RvR's wound. It stops bleeding, but is still open.

    End of Battle

    DA: See, I can help.
    Vivi: Meh, you barely did anything.
    RvR: Okay enough, lets just go to the inn.
    SJ: Okay Vivi, help me carry Roxasvsriku.
    Vivi: Sure.

    Vivi and SJ carry RvR to the inn, and the rest of the party follows. The party pays some gil, RvR gets healed, and they all sleep.

    The next morning, everyone wakes up and is shoved out of the inn.

    RvR: Thank you....not.
    SJ: Hah.
    Vivi: Can we get new spells and items now?
    RvR: Yes. Okay, lets go..

    After a 20 minute trip they get new everything.

    RvR and SJ now wear Chainmail.
    RvR has a Rapier.
    SJ has a Short Sword.
    Rosey now has a new shirt, and its padded with leather, and new nunchuks.
    Vivi now has the power to cast Poison.
    CtR now has the power to cast Poisona.
    DA can cast Cure with no problems.

    RvR: So where to now?
    Rosey: Lets go check out our new boat.
    RvR: Good idea.

    They go to their new boat, just outside of Pravoka.

    CtR: Hey I can see a town from here.
    SJ: Where?
    CtR: All the way across the lake from here.
    RvR: Oh, I know that place, its called Elfheim
    Rosey: I say we go there.
    Vivi: Okay, lets set sail.

    After a long 6 hours of sailing, the party docks near Elfheim. Then they take another half hour to walk to the town.

    Rosey: I'm tired.
    RvR: Yeah, lets go sleep.
    SJ: Okay.

    As usual, they pay some cash, and sleep at the Elfheim

    Rosey cant sleep, so she gets up.

    Rosey: Ugh, whats wrong with me..

    Rosey walks over to Vivi's bed and just stand over him staring down.

    Rosey:, your so beautiful, why cant I talk to you. I...I lo..

    Vivi calmly opens his eyes, and Rosey stops talking. They just stare into each others eyes.

    Rosey: Vivi, I..

    Vivi uses his arms to push himself towards Rosey, and he kisses her.
    Then Rosey climbs into Vivi's bed and lays with him for the rest of the night.

    They SLEEP ONLY!

    Next morning, the party is awake before Rosey and Vivi, and they are all stareing at them.
    Then Vivi wakes up.

    Vivi: Why are you looking at me?

    Vivi sees Rosey next to him.

    Vivi: Oh, uhhh, oh.

    Rosey wakes up.

    Rosey: Whats going on?
    Vivi: I guess..uh..we are...uh...
    Rosey: Vivi, be my boyfriend..
    Vivi: Oh, okay...

    To be continued...
  2. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    This is supposed to be long? Pffff....
  3. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Hey, I dont see you writing a story for free.
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    He does, and it's long, and it rocks!
  5. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Let me correct my statement.

    I dont see you writing a story for free that I read.

    Also, I meant, LONGER than the other ones.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    LMFAO That is EXACTLY how I would react too



    lmao nice chapter.
  7. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    I was writing it next to my friend, and when I typed the "AWWW" I couldnt help but laugh because I knew thats excatly what you would do.

    He was like. "Why you laughing" So I told him and now its hilarious, and I'm going to stop typing now.
  8. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Best line of this part.. XD You have no idea how much I laughed. Pity CtR doesn't have the power to Syphon people (I believe that was stealing MP).

    DA's my fav so far cause he's comedy relief. :>
  9. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    You cant steal MP but you can steal HP with Drain.
  10. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    my fav's RvR and SJ =D
  11. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I have a fan. =O

    *Makes you admin for a day*
  12. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    Lol great story d00d. Longer man, I need a bit longer. Too short. And it's funny how they end up in bed. It's totally random.
  13. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    You can, Osmosis *****

    and also.

    Start running, I give you until Rosey finds you, cause girl pain is worse than anything I can cause you.
  14. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    You rang?

    ....dude Shadow wtf? Seriously wtf? Like a little crush I can handle. As long as nothing happens with a little crush where like I am all sad and emo because someone doesnt know I like them and then I commit suicide or something random like that.

    But like. You made me kiss him. More so you made him kiss me but still wtf =/ And then.

    And then you made me get in bed with him. DDDDDDD<

    Boi u r de'd
  15. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Pfft Rosey, what are you going to do...ban me?


    Oh snap, you can...



    *Trail of dust appears when I run away*
  16. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Omg Im gonna list off the things i could do to you!

    a) Mentally hurt you
    b) Verbally abuse you
    c) Get SJ to verbally abuse you
    d) Ban you
    e) Derep you
    f) Warn you
    g) And Im to lazy to think of more

  17. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    In all reality, there is no real reason for you to do these things, because I never broke any rules, and you cant Ban/Warn just because you want to.

    There's a little thing I like to call the Ignore List.

    You can legally do that once or twice, if you use mod powers to change my rep, then it becomes bad.

    All in all, I am not too scared. Just wait for the plot to thin out, or thicken. I dont know whats going to happen later in the story, you might break up next chapter, or something else could happen...

    Think SJ and Mish.

    It all depends on how I feel then.
  18. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Vivi should cheat on me with Mish, and I commit suicide

  19. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mish is only part of the storyline at the beginning, she doesn't show up again at all.

    Do I sound angry? Cause I'm not.
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