KH-V Idol :3

Discussion in 'Music' started by Sexy Sheva, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around

    Seriously though, it's a real KH-V Idol =D

    I've been waiting forever to have one and like, x3

    Last one i think went dead x.x

    But being in all seriousness, I really want to have a KH-V Idol... It just seems awesome

    I will be a judge among two or three others who can either post or PM me for the position as judge..
    I'm putting this in the Music Section due to, if i put it in the Spam Zone, it'll get tuned into some random stuff, BUT The polls will be put in the spam zone, so i don't get too many threads in the Music Section, unless a Mod or Admin can post, saying i have permission to without it being moved :3


    The polls will be Anonymous
    Must be a Disney Song or a decent song... Please none using any curse words.
    "Damn, and Hell" is the max I am going to curse words.
    No sexuality in the songs.

    Judges Rules are Final...
    Please do not vote on popularity, vote on who YOU think was the best in every round. I do not vote for favorites, only the song choice and such...


    [C u p p y]&[K i t t y]

  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I'll be a judge, since Disney is basically my childhood and I know a lot of the songs. :3

    I'd sing, but I probably won't have time. And I haven't really installed my mic. >_>