Kh origin of the heart

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by tenshigrl, Apr 4, 2009.

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  1. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    or guardian either way its about the guardian's of the heart...*giggle* sorry but it had to be said anyway I decided to make a rp of this since I created the heart guardians. its might be hard to explain since there are different types of them but they all have one thing in common, what is it? well I'm about to tell you in the proluge, but before that know this

    you can be up to 5 ppl if one of them gets killed off feel free to make another one to take that characters place.

    ok now heres the proluge:

    Everyone has a guardian of the heart, but they don't know it...
    Everyone hs the power within them, yet they don't know it...
    the guardians come in different shapes, sizes, and color...
    the guardians have one thing in common...
    there is a lock on their chest contain-ing secrets that are unkown...
    there is a lock on their chest, but what is inside isn't known...
    if the lock is ever unlocked something will happen...
    will it save us?
    or will it destroy us?
    each person can summon them, but few have suceeded...
    I wonder why they absorb hearts when they are to protect them...
    but somehow, somehow they are connected to kingdom hearts...
    keyblades, swords, shields, wands, staffs, kunai's, axes, books, chakrams
    tanfa's, and many many more
    they all help in summoning these mighty beasts...
    they can also go to the darkside but only if their master (owner) goes to it...
    they are to guide us from danger, yet we do not listen....
    Everyone has a guardian of the heart,but can you summon yours?

    hope you understand it but if you don't:
    bascically the ppl who first discovered it belived that the guardians of the heart came from kh itself, they obey their masters, guide ppl, protect yet absorb hearts. but there are consequences with this great power...if someone is to exceed (neg as in they use it all up yet they still use it) their energy (the masters energy) they can no longer control the beast which then takes their masters heart since the heart cries out for the pain to stop.

    ok so thats just about it anymore questions just pm me

    heres how the character bio is supposed to go for your made up characters

    good or evil
    heart guardian: yes or no
    (if so) name appearence (describe or picture)
    age they obtained guardian (if you put yes)
    organization (yes the heartless and organization xiii are in this, and if so number)

    yes: hajime a white dragon with red eyes(like a mountain dragon)
    all except light magic
    her world is near halloween town
    obtained it at the age of 8
    not in organization
  2. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    haven't talk to you in ages!!
    and you are in
  3. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    name Braxen
    age 20
    good or evil: evil
    heart guardian: no
    weapons: Rapture of souls Last Judgement
    element: darkness, madness, nothingness
    world: the world of Oblivion
    organization: leader of the Forgotten organization
    appearence: [​IMG]

    just a question.... is there a point to this RP or is it just explaining your OC's guardian
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ah.. you hid this from me! oh well i'll live..

    name: Hikari
    age: 14
    good or evil: good
    heart guardian: She is a half heart and Yami got the heart guardian instead of her.. but he listens to both of them..
    (if so) name appearence: (of the guardian?) the guardian comes in the form of an eagle to attack for hikari.. as a snake for Yami.. name for Hikari Kohaku for Yami.. Kusa
    weapon: Arm Blade(wind style)
    element: wind
    world: Twilight Town
    age they obtained guardian: 4..(you know the detail)
    organization: none..
    appearence: brown hair with blue and yellow highlights.. tall and skinny

    name: Yami
    age: 14
    good or evil: good
    heart guardian: detail up..
    (if so) name appearence: detail up..
    weapon: Katana
    element: Earth
    world: Twilight Town
    age they obtained guardian: detail up..
    organization: none..
    appearence: light green hari and the rest looks simular to hikari

    name: Akarui
    age: 15
    good or evil: good
    heart guardian: heart guardian is dead.. she is trying to get it back..(was once a heartless)
    (if so) name appearence: was once a dragon named Hoshi.. but you know the rest..
    weapon: Keyblade(going from other RP)
    element: Light
    world: Radiant Garden
    age they obtained guardian: 6
    organization: former number 13 of Heartless orgainization..
    appearence: Blonde hair with eyes that change to the color of her mood.. skinny..

    name: Kaze
    age: 14
    good or evil: good
    heart guardian: no
    (if so) name appearence: none
    weapon: Arm Blade(wind style)
    element: wind
    world: unknown
    age they obtained guardian (if you put yes): none
    organization (yes the heartless and organization xiii are in this, and if so number): former #15 organization 13..
    appearence: (same as Hikari except her main hair color is Blue..
  5. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    srry but hey I said it in the other rp next time I'll discuss it with you

    you two are in
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    alright so should we wait for more people or start?
  7. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    lets wait for one more person then start is that ok
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    yup... XDD
  9. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    name: Nuthead
    age: 16
    good or evil: Good
    heart guardian: No
    Weapons & Abilities: Dark User [Eon Mode & Berserk Eon Mode], Light User [Angelic Mode], Various Power-Ups, Hammer, Keyblade: Rainbow Guardian, Round Egg-Shaped Handle, Handle Changes Colors, Ice Blade on the End with Two Question Mark-Shaped Teeth [Not Ice-Element],The Keychain is a Rainbow ? that also Changes Colors. Fire User [Various Fire Moves], Duplication, Manipulation of Space {Requires Gold ? Egg}
    element: Fire/Light/Dark
    world: Spiral Mountain
    Appearance: Short, Has a Big Round Nose, Wears White Gloves, Cyan Overalls, Blue Shirt, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, Brown Mustache in the Style of Mario's, Brown Boots, Blue Hat

    name: Gamer
    age: 17
    good or evil: Good
    weapons & abilites: Homing Attack, Spin-Dash, R.Y.4.N.O, Super Gamer Transformation, Time-Gamer Transformation & Manipulation of Time {Requires Silver ? Egg}, Various other weapons, Rainbow Guardian Keyblade [See Nuthead for description]
    element: Time
    world: Spiral Mountain
    appearence: Taller than Nuthead, Skinny, Has White Gloves, Red Fur, Tail, Ears on top of head, Blue Shoes with a White stripe, Red Fur,

    name: K
    age: 18 [Robot]
    good or evil: Good
    heart guardian: No
    weapons & abilites: K Buster mkIII, Shield, various master weapons, can use both Black & White Magic {Requires Bronze ? Egg}, Galaxia Armor, Galaxy Beam, Rainbow Guardian Keyblade [See Nuthead]
    element: Varies
    world: Spiral Mountain
    appearence: Tall, Blue Helmet with Visor, Red Scarf, Blue and White Armor.

    Hopeflully this is enough information.
  10. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    yeh its enough and now we can start
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    YAY! um you start..
  12. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    eh sure what the hay

    maria looked at the story teller in her town amazed about the stories about how worlds also had guardians

    "these guardians watch over the worlds but were put to sleep when they separated of course" the story teller said

    "so the ones with a heart guardian can wake them up right" she asked

    "correct" the story teller replid
  13. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    "Meanwhile in Space. A green ship flies through an asteroid field. Inside we see Gamer driving. And K and Nuthead Watching Television"

    "K. We have been flying through for days. Why are we doing this again" said Nuthead.

    The Robot known as K started to think. "To tell you the truth...I forgot."

    "Gamer walks up behind them."

    "Oh! This is the Part where the Guy gets hit in the...." Started Gamer.

    "Gamer...who's driving the ship." asked K

    "Uh...No-one" Replied Gamer

    "The Ship gets hit and starts to make a collision course for a planet near Halloween Town"

    "GAMER! YOU IDIOT!" yelled an angry K

    "And the ship crashes onto the Planet near the Storyteller's House."
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hikari:come on tell us!
    Guardian: nope..
    Yami: come on Kusa!
    Guardian: alright..alright.. guardians can live even if our masters die.. underworld life.. if i should say myself..
  15. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    "oh my goodness what was that" the story teller asked

    "a ship" maria said
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    "Out side the ship. K manages to open the doors and the trio gets out."

    "Are we done with the pie song Steve" said a dizzy Gamer

    "Scans indicate that we're somewhere around Halloween Town" Said K.

    "Hey I see a House. Lets go." said Nuthead.

    "As the trio gets near the door Gamer stops them."

    "Listen. There may be Bad Guys in here. Stay out here and I'll deal with this." Explained Gamer.

    "Gamer gets his R.Y.4.N.O out and kicks the door down."

    "Freeze! put your hands up Bad Guys" Yelled Gamer
  17. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    "calm down" the story teller said

    "there are innocent ppl here" maria said and stood up

    "right...and it appears as if they came from a different world" the story teller said then looked at maria "I'm afraid that the one of the stones collasped"

    "maybe" maria said "I'll go check on em then" she walked off to the hill that overlooked the town quickly

    how about two story tellers?
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    " I am K. this is Nuthead, and the moron who broke in was Gamer" Explained K. "We were Flying through an Asteroid Field when GAMER LEFT THE CONTROLS!" K points at Gamer.

    "It's not my fault that the guy was..." said Gamer.

    "Gamer, K...please don't start a fight. Anyways we crashed here and Gamer broke the door thinking you were Bad Guys. Sorry on his Behalf" Explained Nuthead
  19. tenshigrl Merlin's Housekeeper

    maria looked at the stones and saw one of them was down and picked up its seal "dagnabit" she mumbled "now I have to report it and help set in a new one" she walked back to the town and held up the seal and said "the stone did collapse and the seal came off"
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    "As the ships Maiteniance-Bots start to repair the Rare Witch. Nuthead, K, and Gamer are waiting."

    "Am I going to court for this." Asked Gamer to Nuthead.

    "'s a isn't like it's an important one." Said Nuthead

    "Why do I have a Bad Feeling about this" said K
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