Chapter 1: The red fruit It was the dawn of a new mourning in destiny islands, two teens sitting on a tree bank. One of the teens was a girl named Kairi who wears a pink zipper straped skirt and white shoes. The other was a boy named name Sora who saved every world and wears a mix of yellow, red, blue,white,and black. Kairi reached up for a popu fruit colored red and ate it while Sora was watching for the result of the dare he had given her one hour ago. When she ate it she became a whole lot bigger and heaver to and broke the tree bank the were siting on, droping sora into the water. "Kairi next time don't sit with me, sit with Riku. Now moving on to topic you owe me 5 bucks " Sora said holding out his hand as Kairi put 5 dollers in it."I wonder what's your mom's approvel of this Kairi, anyways you still owe Riku five bucks for this as well." said Sora holding out his hand again as Kairi put five more dollers in it. "Why do i owe Riku five dollers?"said Kairi asking Sora a question. "Because he gave me this idea Kairi. Now let's race loser pays the winner 10 dollers" said Sora getting ready to race. "Oh and i keep your pace Kairi does that sound fair to you" said Sora asking Kairi a question. "Yeah wel let's do it tommorw because i am to tired and i can see the bags under your eyes to Sora" said Kairi loooking at Sora's eyes which were purple. "I can tell besides you need you're sleep Kairi now that your fat and all" said Sora walking with Kairi to the rafts, then they got on them and went their seperate ways home.
A part of me just wants to count this as spam. There are some spelling and grammer errors, but I don't really judge a story on that. I'm not a big fan of OOC stories, mostly because they consist of strange fanfiction or slash pairings. It's like watching a terrible Naruto skit at an anime convention. No, that's not right. It's like watching a Naruto skit at an anime convention. Still, this sort of made me chuckle. It was a creative risk and there was a bit of a pay off. I actually want to see where this story is headed exactly; it sounds a bit interesting. This > Twilight
Thank you for your opion i'm still gathering ideas for the next chapter. When i make the chapter i'll post an image that inspired me to write this.
I like the idea, though I don't really get the whole red fruit fat kairi thing lol though it was a fun read
Chapter 2: What Riku thinks It was 2:00 Am and Sora could not sleep,the only thing he could think of was how Rku would torture Kairi. At the same time Kairi wondered what would Riku think so she tried to take a shower ,but could not even fit in her bathroom so she used her parents bathroom instead. Her parents got up to noise coming from their bathroom only to find their daughter ,fatter and taking a shower so Kairi had to explain this and her parents just plain kicked her out and over to Riku's place. Kairi knocked on Riku's door and much to her supprise, Riku answered and when he saw her all fat he grabbed a camera and took a picture,then went to his computer and uploaded it with a yes look on his face. Then he came back to the door and said "Why are you here so early in the mourning?" asked Riku "Because my parents kicked me out of my house, can i come in"said Kairi loooking pathetic "Hm maybe just come in now and follow me faty" said Riku with a smirk on his face leading Kairi to his room. Riku's room was full of swords and all of that other sword junk and a bed and a small closet. "You get the closet beatuy queen and i get the bed night" said Riku shoving Kairi into the closet ,closing it and covering her with cloths and going to his bed and sleeping in peace
That I got to say was a better chapter that the first lol but maybe more exsplanation on situations is needed