KH HD 2.5 ReMix Images Appear in Weekly Jump

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Meilin Lee, May 21, 2014.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    While there is still no new information on the upcoming Kingdom Hearts HD remaster, the latest issue of Weekly Jump provided a few images from HD 2.5 ReMix (one from each game included) which can be seen above.

    Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix is currently slated for a release worldwide in 2014.

    Credit to @kazu4281 for the scans.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Meilin Lee, May 21, 2014.

    1. kngdmhrts2
      If only the scan part with Re:Coded and BBS was scanned a little lower down so we could see if they did remember to remove the second Kairi model from the BBS scene.
    2. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      ...IT'S SOMETHING~ *confetti popper*

      The scans make it hard to tell how HD the screens look, but hey, what we've seen already is a pretty good indicator.Also, another small pic from the coded cutscenes is always appreciated.
    3. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      On that subject, it seems that the scenes in Disney worlds are indeed going to be fully voiced.
    4. ShibuyaGato
      I feel like this is everyone's thought right now.

      And it's nice to hear that they'll be fleshing out the Re:Coded cutscenes a little more than Days. Hopefully they'll actually voice & animate boss battles to some degree unlike last time
    5. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      This is honestly one of the things I'm most excited for, I think Re:Coded has some of the best written of the Disney worlds in the franchise
    6. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      I'm glad to hear there's been some news regarding KH 2.5 Remix!
      The graphics look cleaner, and hopefully some glitches will be ironed out on the release uwu
    7. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova
      I thought for half a second that it would be playable before I realized oh wait Days wasn't playable HOIP DOIP. But that's nice to hear.
    8. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      So wait, is Re:Coded going to be playable or not in this? It's very confusing from what little info we have right now.
    9. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      Re:coded is going to be a cutscene movie, not unlike Days in the I.5 ReMIX. We're just freaking out because some boss battles are actually going to be remade as cutscenes, unlike in Days.
    10. ~Clave Ensis~
      ~Clave Ensis~
      All I can say is that I am so excited to play BBS on the PS3! It's not the same on a small screen. And if they do voice over the boss battles in Coded that will just make it.
    11. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      358/2 Days didn't really have any boss battles that needed to be cutscenes, considering most of them were just Heartless. The only main bosses in that game that were not Heartless were Saix, Xion, and Riku.
    12. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      And it would have been very nice for those three boss battles to be cutscenes. :I
    13. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      Yeah, but actually beating the hell out of Xion is much more satisfying than just watching it. As for Saix and Riku...I don't know what to tell you.
    14. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      okay, but I'd take watching it over not seeing it at all