All my other role plays get rejected but meh.... Kh go to Disneyland and you choose who you wanna be! Rules: 1. Axel is allowed to burn stuff just not the Disneyland or else you will be banned 2. Demyx can flood the place 3. No offenceive stuff 4. No bad words. If you really want to they have to be in * eg. **** 5. Have fun!! (or else i will kill you....just kidding!) Characters (you can make up you own as well!) Kh Sora- Twilight_Wish Kairi- lanihead7 Namine- Kokoro Riku- Donald- Goofey- King mickey (lol)- Puppy Pluto- Organization 13 Xemnas- Xigbar- Xaldin- Vexen- Leaxues(sp?)- Zexion- Nymph of Destiny Saix- Axel- Organisation XIII Demyx- Luxord- Marluxia- Larxene- Larxene~Rox~4~Eva Roxas-Roxas~Rox~my~sox Final Fantasy Tidus- Cloud- Leon- Sepheroth- Yuffie- Heaxrt17 Cid- Yuna- Lanihead7 Rikku- Heaxrt17 Paine- Aerith- Kadaj- Nymph of Destiny OC Roxy- Larxene~Rox~4~Eva Zomg Kitty- Larxene~Rox~4~Eva Xiome- Roxas~Rox~my~sox Tally- Twilight_Wish Enjoy!! (tell me if i've missed out on anybody!) Im Larxene! :) :)
OOC- IM STARTING!!!! BIC- Xiome was rushing around the castle "DISNEYLAND!!!" She yelled happily "SHUT UP XIOME!!" Roxas shouted.
Namine put on the Mickey Mouse ears she had gotten the year before. "Yay!" she shouted. ooc - lol :p IDk what to post yet...
"We're going to Disneyland! We're going to Disneyland!" Tally ran around shouting the words hyperly. "Disneyland?" Sora asked, blinking and looked oddly surprised. He gave a happy cheer a second later.