358/2 Days KH: days help...Day 302, mission 78

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Mvalentine, Oct 31, 2009.

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  1. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Vanquish the heartless threat. So yeah I go into this mission execting it to be a piece of pie like most of the other missions...Just to e faced with ruler of the sky. I seem to notice every heartless threat mission so far has either been way easy or has had a loop hole...Can somebody give me the loophole for this battle? Or at least some top tips?
  2. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    Only tip I can give is: Prepare to be annoyed.

    But he isn't hard. But everyone says he is. He's just tedious. The only loop he has that I remember is that he flies around untill you hit him enough to piss him off, then he flies into the water and shoots alot of stuff at you, then comes up and tries to ram(No idea if this is there.) you. Finally he shoots...gold coins at you.

    I think this is it. I forget since I haven't fought it in awhile.
  3. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    you mean theres nothing to stop him after you destroy the tail? 'cuz thats where it gets cruel D: I get him down to one or 2 healthbars then he stops attacking for 3 seconds then goes skitz again...evil
  4. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    I think all you have to do is dodge for a bit longer. Or you have to attack him at some point.
  5. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Yeah but the problem is he deals so much damage he halves my HP in one shot and its as high as I can get it...so its when he uses his sword wings really one combo from him and im toast

    EDIT: thanks for trying to hellp...I found a strategy that worked out...didnt give him a chance to attack hehehe i shoulda thought f youtubing it before.
  6. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Be sure to stock up on cure/cura/curaga!
  7. sorax990 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 19, 2009
    use cura just before he made the attack. it would help a bit. and when he is starting, fly the higher than you can and when he start his attack, go down. repeat this for dodging that attack
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