Hi, here is a KH 358/2 drawing I did. The idea came when I was thinking "How do they manage the heat of those coats, in a place like Agrabah?" while playing Roxas/Xion missions :p My profile in deviantart :3 http://xion-x-roxas-fc.deviantart.com/art/KH-At-noon-in-Agrabah-429770918 PS: It's my first post in this section, even when I read the rules, please tell me if I did something wrong.
It's fine, you did nothing wrong : D Also, I like the idea behind this piece as they do seem impervious to all climates throughout the series xD I like the attention to detail and the anatomy seems spot on apart from Xion's right arm seems a bit off but it's nothnig major, it just seems like it's at a wrong angle or something. Apart from that, the lighting is done really well and Roxas' expression and stance really make the heat in the picture come alive so well done.
Now that you mention it, yup, it has a little problem with her arm, I didn't see it before In the deviantart comments, someone told me that there is a similar scene in the KH 358/2 manga (about the hot climate) , I will have to check it out :P Thanks for the critic, I appreciate it :)