Random Kingdom Hearts avatars I made; one is from a few weeks ago the rest I did a few minutes ago. I like some of them; the rest are okay. I'll eventually add more. Feel free to use if you like. Cnc is appreciated.
The avys are great. I like all of them because they have that 3-D look to them. I took all the avys and saved them. THANX! Keys to the Kingdom was an old movie about the Asian Catholic Church by the by. EDIT: They just keep getting better, huh?
Just added some new ones. All of them...? Okay. If you use them just make sure that you give me credit. And thank you; I'm glad that you liked them. Really? I never knew that...I guess you really do learn something new everyday.
All right; go right ahead. ^^ That's fine; I'm glad you like it. Go right ahead; I don't mind. I figured that was the one who were going to use, that's why I didn't use it. xD
Haha *hugglz* You know me so well xD. Seriously, amazing avvys. The coloring on all of them is absolutely amazing.