Keyblade Wars: Birth of Darkness

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by daxma, Aug 13, 2008.

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  1. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    100 years before Sora,Riku,Kiari and the gang destroyed Organisation XIII and 90 years before Terra,Aqua and Ven took on Master Xeahnort and his Apprentice there was a keyblade war between a group of Old,powerful keybladers with a mastery of powerful magic called "The Wisemen" who concisted of six people Master Xeahnort,Ienzo,Briag,Evens,Dilan and Elaeus and there army of dark keybladers and The Keyblader Group called "The keyblade Angels".The Keyblade Angels were few because alot of them switched to the dark side ever since the greatest of the keybladers, Yen Cid dissappeared after a giant battle against Master Xeahnort.The Keyblade Angels have an unusual power to unlock great power from heir keyblades at their time of need and this is a power no one on the dark side could unlock.The Keyblade Angels Headquarters was a giant flying castle on a dark world with skyscrapers and buildings surrounding it.
    The Keyblade Angels travelled the worlds to fight the Wise Mens army in hopes of peace.
    The Wise Mens HQ is unknown to the Keyblade Angels and cannot be found.Now it is time to Begin the Journey of the Past...

    The Wise Men
    Number one,Master Xeahnort: Daxma
    Number two,Ienzo:
    Number three,Briag:
    Number Four,Evens:
    Number five,Dilan:
    Number Six,Elaeus:


    Played by: Daxma:
    Name: Daxma
    Side: The Keyblade Angels
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Apearance: A black Jacket,Black boots and Black cargo Pants with all the pockets of the metal plated.Has Spiky Blonde hair and has dark blue eye's.Has armour all down the left side of his body except on the face,chest and stomach.
    Keyblade(s) descriptions:Two Omega Oblivions.A mix between Terra's Keyblade and the oblivion keyblade.
    Power:Has control over lightning.
    History: Lived on a world called Radient Garden and lied a peacful life.His parents were very old and died of old age.He learned to weild his two keyblades from an early age and had a bond with his keyblades.Once The Wise Men came to his world he took action and took on as many as he could but they annilated him and he woke up on a dark world where he met a man named yen cid and took him into the Keyblade Angels.
    Personality:He is extremely complex and see's bueaty in things no one can.There seems to be a form of mystic about him because when he fights he seems to be seperating through lightning and it begins to rain when he fights.
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