Keyblade Warriors: The Revival of the Phoenix

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by danio13, Apr 20, 2011.

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  1. danio13 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 27, 2011
    (Alternate Title- "Nicktoon Warriors")

    This is a crossover of Nicktoons with elements from KH.

    Story Synopsis:
    Many years before, there were the Seven Sages of Balance and the Sorceress of Light that kept the worlds from being led astray. There was also the Golden Phoenix that travel between worlds, always flying free, wandering and shining its brilliance to all. A dark sorcerer wanted the phoenix’s power for him to conquer all worlds and brings them to darkness. The sorcerer almost gained its power but the sorceress of light manages to defeat him. The phoenix was fatally injured due to the battle, so the sorceress sadly split the phoenix power in two, representing existence and innocence, and scattered the 2 pieces away in the void. Without its power, the phoenix died and vanished in golden ashes. Ashamed at what she has done, the sorceress went into hiding, never to be seen again. Now it was up to the sage to keep balance and stability to the worlds.
    However, years later, cyclones of darkness have been appearing in worlds along with odd and terrifying creatures named Disvibes, creatures of corrupted emotions. The sages cannot seem to deal this new threat on their own. And at the same time, the fates of two people, each from different worlds, will be intertwined. Will these two, and the help of other warriors, be enough to stop this threat? And is this a precursor for worst things to come?

    Character Template

    Age: (Pick from 14-20)
    Appearance: (Use a reference picture or describe your character’s appearance)
    Bio: (Their background)
    Personality: (At least a paragraph, but no more than 2)
    Home World: (See list for eligible picks)
    Keyblade or Skill (Choose for your character to have either have a keyblade or a skill)

    (If you picked Keyblade)
    Description: (optional)(A sketch or description. Be as detailed as possible)
    Name of Keyblade: (Make it punny if you can and state what it is based on)
    Attacking style: (Strength and Power, Magical, or Speedy Combos)
    Experience with Keyblade: (Has the character just gotten the keyblade or has he or she been wielding it for a while)

    (If you pick Skill)
    Kind of Skill: (Magic Caster, Defender, Archer, etc. (Choose about any you can imagine. I will see if it is acceptable, if not you must pick another skill or pick keyblade.)
    Equipment: (Staff, Bow, Shield, etc.) (Nothing too something similar to Scorpion’s spear chain)
    Experience with Skill:

    (For both keyblade and Skill)
    Special Attacks: (You can choose up to 3 special attacks [from the KH games or fan-made] and a Limit Break. If you want to do a special combo attack with someone, ask permission first.)

    Your vessel to other worlds (optional): (Keyblade Rider [which kind] or something else. NO GUMMI SHIPS!)

    (Worlds with # can’t be chosen as home world)

    Valley of Winds (Gene's homeworld) (A calm town, deep in a lush green valley)

    Land of Providence (Johan's homeworld) (A pseudo-medieval town with growing technology, with the Belianus family rule.)

    Restless Plaza (A wide urban plaza with many shops and buildings, also where certain popular events occur)

    #Sinister Mansion (A big and frightening manor, rumored to have a cruel mistress)

    Fairy World [The Fairly OddParents] (A beautiful world on clouds, populated by big-headed fairies)

    Retroville [The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius] (A town where a certain genius lives)

    Intersteller Arena [My Life as a Teenage Robot] (A space coliseum where champions from many worlds gather and fight)

    Distorted Space [Invader Zim] (A sinister ship hovering over a kinda-doomed planet)

    The Four Nations [Avatar: The Last Airbender] (A mystical world where masters of the elements live)

    Bikini Bottom [Spongebob Squarepants] (A “fishy†town under the sea)

    Miracle City [El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera] (A cesspool of crime and villainy, of course)

    Amity Park [Danny Phantom] (An unfortunate town, which is usually ridden with ghosts)

    (A * means it is a part of Restless Plaza)
    #*Nostalgic Playpen [Rugrats] (An odd playroom from a distant past)
    #*Chalkzone (A chalk-built world where erased creation are born)

    (Any suggestions of worlds are welcome. Just tell me which world you would like to see and I might put it in)

    Rules/Things to Note (more may be added in)
    No godmoding
    Please be courteous and polite
    Your character can’t resemble Nicktoon characters
    If I find something wrong with your template, please fix.
    Only one Limit Break can be used each battle.
    Don’t post under 10 minutes after a previous post. Give time for RPers to catch up.
    This is not meant to be a dark and serious RP (Some serious posts are allowed within reason)
    Be creative and have fun

    Hope I did not miss something. Might need help from someone to play as either Johan or Gene (optional of course). When we have enough players signed up. We’ll discuss how we start it off.

    bump 10chars
  2. Inverser361 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 13, 2011
    Earth. Duh xD
    Name: Bixran
    Age: 16
    Bio: Having fought ghosts all his life, Bixran was suprised when the keyblade came to him. Before, he would use a well crafted sword to vanquish the ghosts. Now, he slaughters any ghost in his path, be they big or small. When he felt a terrible darkness come over Amity Park, he had to investigate.
    Personality: He is caring at times, and always champions the ones he loves. Sometimes, though, when one of his loved ones are threatened, he will go beserk and use light and darkness as one and demolish any enemy in his path. He was a well-trained swordsman, but he felt confused when he recieved the keyblade. Having to train again, he realized the great power the keyblade held. Learning to restrain himself, he only unleashes his full power under times of great stress.
    Home World: Amity Park
    Name: Lunar Eclipse
    Description: (based on the power of the moon)
    Attack Style: Speed and Power
    Experiance: good, about equal to riku's time with the keyblade
    Special Attacks:
    1. Faith(sends out 13 beams of light that damage enemies and heals Bixran at the same time)
    2. Dark Pulse(similar to terra's dark impulse command style combo, but more resembles a dark version of Ars Arcanum)
    3. Inverse Ragnarok(similar to sora's attack in kh2:fm, but half the beams are dark, while other half is light)
    Limit Break: Inversed Bi-strike(Bixran splits himself into 2 beings, Light and Dark, and rushes the enemy in a riku-like fashion, but twice as fast, then melts both clones into the ground, then rises back up, fused together, and unleashes an epic shockwave)
    Vessel to other Worlds: His Wings(alternate vessel in emergencies:corridors of darkness)
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    if this is a cross-over, shouldn't it be in the cross-over section?
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