It's quite odd that you've no pins for winning a SotW. You ARE so good at this that you should have won many of them by now... Anyway, this is great. The lighting and text is beautiful. Nothing more to say.
-whines- Why can't I do something like that. D: I love your tags. Really. <3 You're one of the people I look up to. This is great, I love how the text isn't too distracting, and just enough to see. And the placement and adjustments seem really intact. Great job. <3
It's so shinnnyyyy. The good kind of shiny though. I'm really liking what you did with the C4Ds/fractals. May I ask where abouts you got them?
Tone down the light blobs. Otherwise, it's very clean which I like. Looks good with the animuu style stocks. It's nice.