I was talking with a couple of members on MSN about her the other day and pushed some of her music on them, so now I'll do the same for you. Kate Nash has one of the most delicious voices that I can think of. Very British :B but that is a good thing for once, usually I hate when you can hear so much accent. She is adorable, and only 4 months older than me O: The Nicest Thing: this song is incredibly byootifull. Flourescent Adolescent Pumpkin Soup Mouthwash MySpace Be warned her MySpace has been glitchy as **** lately, so if it freezes or won't load then don't get too pissy.
Oh god, her. I seriously don't like her music, so much accent pisses me off its not even funny. It's like if Bullet for my Valentine sung in a broad Welsh accent. You can say hearing Foundation 500 times a day for a few months created such rage but still in comparison to Lilly Allen Kate Nash is god.
See ordinarily it would annoy me, like Lily Allen pisses me off so bad because of it, but for some reason it doesn't bother me with Kate Nash. I like the fact you can hear so much accent in her songs.
I've been told my hearing is sometimes too good when it comes to music for picking out random things, but I think it's more the fact that I hear it and so many other songs like it being played everyday and sung by tone deaf chav girls trying to fake the accent that pisses me off. Basically its opinions combined with situation that gives me a down look on Kate Nash.
Well, she doesn't really bring anything new to the table with her voice, but the song there is truthfully wacky(tells something real, but does it in a nice beat). I don't think there seems to be anything special about her, but her "foundations" song is pretty nice. And the beats are pretty catchy. That's pretty cool.
ASDFGHJKL; :D You're like the second person I've known that listens to/knows of Kate Nash. :v I just adore her voice and haven't stopped listening to Made of Bricks since it came out. Whenever I'm feeling down I'll listen to her and it just instantly makes me smile. :3
I guess I kind of agree with Fayt :/ I enjoy the chorus because it's catchy and she is singing but the verses irritate me because I can't consider it a song if she's talking and her accent is just damn annoying D: Reminds me of a chav too much. I guess that's her style, but imo she would be better if she had less "talking" in her songs.
I LOVE that song. Best ever! I can't stop listening to it, I LOVE it so much. She deserves way more appreciation, her voice is great, very british, and a great singer.
<33 love for you Her songs always make me happy too C: Her accent is lush and her voice is adorable. B| Kate Nash is not a chav, and her songs are not just talking.
Oi, I like Lilly Allen >: But yes, I've liked Kate Nash for a long time. Ever since I heard Foundations in a music channel. Didn't really get into listening to her very much though =/
I like her sooooomeeeeeeetimes, and I know you like her dear <3 buuuut I prefer Kate Nash a million times over. Also, you should listen to her more D: you won't regret it. Listen to Skeleton Song too <:
ehh it seems like people mostly like her for the Foundation song, and like anything else I tried to find of her was like all covers...she does a lot of covers of other bands' songs, which I guess I enjoyed if not for the fact that I just liked the original songs anyway she's cute, could take it or leave the music though
I like her song Mouthwash, I even have a ringtone on my phone. She is lovely, but her songs are very odd. :lolface: Her lyrics are very confusing, but it's amusing.