aynone got pics or sketches for a katana keybladeto help me im trying to design one and cant seem to get any ideas... AT ALL
I'd have to say that the idea of a katana keyblade is a little hard to comprehend. Katanas are really skinny and I don't know how one would go about making it into a keyblade, unless you just had a katana with a chocabo or something at the end of it.
Here's a couple of them http://www.maj.com/gallery/protoman15/misc2/onewingedangel.jpg http://www.ffcompendium.com/misc/kh2-guardiansoul.jpg (I'm not so sure about this one though)
That looks absolutely nothing like a katana, let alone a sword. X3 I'll sketch one out and post it later.
i just woke up from my small nap and i have responses... i actually just got an idea for one but it looks kindof like a scythe. if i can get my stupid scanner to work ill post it later:o Thanks for the great help thoug