Was watching this new anime; Medaka box, and there is a character who looks exactly like Kamina from Gurren Lagann... but further more, I checked for Kamina's voice actor's (Katsuyuki Konishi) recent roles and it seems he is also doing a voice in Medaka Box. He is the voice of Third Year 'Moji'... who just so happens to be the guy who looks like Kamina. Picture of Moji from Medaka Box: Spoiler (sorry for the bad quality print screen) EDIT: Some people may not be able to view apparantly, in that case, click the link at the bottom and look for the screenshots there. Kamina from Gurren Lagann: Spoiler Coincidence? Somehow, I don't think so. EDIT: I see why now... The anime has been adapted by Gainex, the company who made Gurren Lagann. lol Still pretty cool. XD http://randomc.net/2012/04/05/medaka-box-01/
Katsuyuki Konishi is the man. Also yeah, he really does look like Kamina xD Who knows, they might have had the idea that having a character that looks like Kamina might make this anime more successful.
The first episode was pretty good regardless lol, so the anime is worth watching in my opinion anyway. but yeah, seeing KaminaMoji was just the icing on the cake. I hope we'll see more of him. :P The fact is... people are speculating that since it's been five years since Gurren Lagann, that Gainex put in a Kamina cameo to celebrate it. Either way, I just think it's pretty cool that they both look alike and share the same voice actor. lol
It's a new anime this season. Currently two eps released so far. As for a dub... I dunno. It usually takes a long time for a dub to come out after a RAW release. If they even do one that is. After all, not all anime get dubs anyway. Either way, it's worth watching, and to be honest, I tend to prefer the Japanese voices anyway (I can't stand most dubs, but don't get me wrong... there are a fair few good dubs out there too). But that's just me.
I can watch subs, but it's just that no one on youtube uploads subs right, or they just have to make the subs all colorful or whatever, and it's rediculous to watch. And sometimes I do like the Japanese voices better than english, but I just like understanding what's being said. Even if I knew Japanese fluently, I would still want to watch in english