Kamen Rider Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, May 20, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    This is a crossover between KH and Kamen Rider, if you don’t know what Kamen Rider is follow the link

    If you don’t know what KH is why are you on this forum?


    When Decade travels through the 9 Rider worlds he is accidentally thrown through a hole in time. He appears in a new world, nothing like the 9 Rider worlds. He appeared in Hollow Bastion. He invaded the story of KH2 and has altered its timeline, he must now travel through the worlds of Kingdom Hearts to restore balance and find his way back to his dimension but as he does so more Riders fall through into Kingdom Hearts and heartless similar to the monsters from the 9 Kamen Rider worlds appear.

    The Beginning:

    Sora receives a message from Leon that a strange man has appeared in town. Sora, Donald and Goofy rush back to discover Tsukasa Kadoya wandering around the ruins of the old castle. They ask him who he is and what he is doing here but before he could answer the Heartless attack. Tsukasa transforms into Decade but as soon as he does Sora’s key blade reacts to the transformation and transforms Sora into Kamen Rider Hearts. With Sora’s new power he easily defeats the Heartless and questions how it happened, he discovers his new form allows him to change his appearance and powers based on his key blade. After the fight Decade leaves without a word while Sora is marvelled by his power with Donald and Goofy. Soon others around the Keyblade will become Riders if Decade does not get back to his dimension before the two universes destroy each other and become one.


    At the beginning only Sora has a Kamen Rider form due to Decade, others will gain forms at points in which I will tell you when we come to it.

    1. The sections rules. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=80885
    2. 1 character from each series max (1 KH & 1 KR), if you break character I will take that character from you.
    3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try.
    4. Be literate and follow the 20 words per post rule in the new section, in other words no one liners and anything under 20 posts will have to be extended.
    5. The people behind the Kamen Riders can either be the originals or the ones from the Decade series.
    6. No singing.
    7. Type Henshin in your post.
    8. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3.
    9. Give a preview post for all the characters you want to use so I can tell what level your at and if you can still to character.

    Characters (just ask for me to add more)
    Red names mean they are taken

    Main Kamen Riders
    Decade -- Fayt-Harkwind
    Kuuga --
    Agito --
    Ryuki --
    Faiz --
    Blade --
    Hibiki --
    Kabuto --
    Den-O --
    Kiva --

    Sub Kamen Riders
    Gills --
    G3 --
    Garren --
    Chalice --
    Leangle --
    Ixa --
    Saga --
    Diend --

    Kingdom Hearts
    Sora/Kamen Rider Hearts -- Fayt-Harkwind
    Riku/Kamen Rider Kingdom --
    Kairi --
    Mickey/Kamen Rider King --
    Donald/Kamen Rider Spell --
    Goofy/Kamen Rider Shield --
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