Sorry it took so long for this one to come out. I had to do this stupid thing called sleeping. I have taken into consideration of the comments I have recieved. There will be more spaces and longer chapters! In this chapter Kairi confronts Sora! Before I say much more, here's the story: :D Please note that none of this happened in the game, it is made up. Here's the link to the first chapter: Chapter Two Kairi stayed in her room for the rest of the day. She was scared and confused mostly. She didn’t want to face them. She couldn’t decide between Riku and Sora, they were her best friends. Her current goal was to avoid seeing them at all costs. --- She woke up at around 9:00 the next morning. She had a horrible dream last night. She could strangely remember it in great detail. Usually she only remembered bits and pieces of her dream but could never seem to get the whole thing back into her head. This was different. She could remember everything about this dream as if it had really happened! She was talking to Riku and Sora. For some reason they wanted her to choose between them! Good thing it was just a dream, if that had really happened, who knows what she would do. Today was another gloomy day. Another gray sky filled with clouds. Thankfully today there was no rain. The sky made it look like there should have been rain, but currently, there was none. She wanted to find Sora so that she could tell him about her dream. This morning she was so anxious, she hardly bothered trying to look nice. She saw him walking out of his room. He looked tired still and his hair was all over the place. For some reason he seemed mad. She hoped that he and Riku weren’t in a fight again. “Hey, Sora, wait up!” She yelled after him. Sora stopped and turned around. “Hi Kairi, are having a nice day?” Sora asked. “Yeah, my day has been nice so far. I had this really weird dream last night.” She started to tell him all about her dream. Sora looked up, he no longer had a mad look on his face, but it wasn’t happy either. “Kairi, that wasn’t a dream, it really did happen.” He said and looked at her like she was crazy. Then the you’re crazy Kairi look disappeared off of his face. In its place came a look of happiness with a little bit of embarrassment. “So, have you chosen yet Kairi?” Kairi looked angry and confused. “Why? Why do you want me to choose between you? You two are my best friends. What do you want me to do?” Kairi finished her statement and starred at him, waiting for a reply. Sora was smiling again. Wow, doesn’t he look cute when he smiles? Kairi told herself to stop and pushed the positive Sora thoughts out of her head. She continued to wait for a response. “Well, I want you to choose me of course!” Suddenly he stopped smiling and looked a bit sad. “I don’t know why Riku wants you to choose, but everything is a fight between us I just figured that you’re the next fight.” Kairi looked angry now. “I don’t care why Riku wants me to choose, I want to know why you want me to!” Sora took a few steps back. “Wow, no need to get angry. I just want you to choose so that we can be together.” Kairi was definitely confused now. “Wait, who ever said I was choosing you?” Sora smiled. “Well, look at him. The guy is so old! He even has gray hair! He was on the dark side for a while, do you really want him?” Kairi was mad and disgusted. “Sora you idiot, the more you make fun of him, the less I want you!” She stormed off shaking her head. ~~~ So that was chapter two! Hope you liked it. Yet again please comment and vote on the poll. Criticism is welcome!
Thanks! The next one wont come out till later today due to home work (which is much harder to write than this story)
(I don't like homework.....) Great job! (And I'm not just saying this because you would kick me at school if I didn't)
(smiles) It's turning out quite good. There's one problem i noticed though. Here it is. Your making the boys to out of character. Now, i know that boys will be boys and fight over the girl, but Riku and Sora are closer than most, (PLATONIC!) so i can't really see them fighting over Kairi, making her choose between them. (shrugs) That's just me though. Still, good work, looking forward to the next chapter.
thanks for the opinion! usually I try to incorperate comments into the next chapter but I can't exactly do that because the whole story kind of needs them wanting her to choose :)
Hmmm... better! Keep at it and thanks for toning it down. Much better pace :D ::nods head:: Going off to read next chapter.
Silly Sora. Riku dosn't have grey hair. It's a pretty silver. :: pets Riku's hair:: So pretty! Riku: Ge'off! Me: He dosn't know what he's saying. :D See much better much more relaxed. But would you kill me if I said I still felt you were going too fast. I still feel like Riku and Sora wouldn't be pestering Kairi over this. Rather it's more like they would pester each other about it and fight behind Kairi's back. They did too much for one another during KH II. But I do like this chapter alot more. Much much easier on the eyes and You have Kairi in character as always. Though she WAS a bit of a flirt with Riku in KHI. XD At least I think so.
Silly Sora. Riku dosn't have grey hair. It's a pretty silver. :: pets Riku's hair:: So pretty! Riku: Ge'off! Me: He dosn't know what he's saying. --- Yes Riku's hair is shiny silver. ::looks up:: Self-talikng: Did someone say shiny?!? Self: SHINY! ::runs toward Riku's hair:: Self: ::trips:: ouch
*Is about to move onto chap. 3* It's good, but I agree. You're moving too fast. I think you should've kept it as a dream, and then making it happen later in the story.