Okay, I drew this and I'm not the best artist, but I figured, what's the harm in posting this? It's Kairi and Namine sitting on a dock in Destiny Islands. The trees in the background are meant to be a little lopsided. Link: http://hogwartsobsessor101x.deviantart.com/art/Kairi-and-Namine-69491659
Wow, they're very..... slim. Extremly slim. o: You have some perspective issues concerning the dock, the more it goes into the background, the narrower it should become. Like a triangle. The drawing's very cute and all, it's a pretty sweet idea and symbolic almost - but youn can learn a lot while on the internet from fellow artists. :> *I'm not sure if you want critique and suggestions, correct me if I'm wrong*
Kairi's hair is too tall for her head, and thier necks are too long. Thier shoulders are too small for thier bodies, and thier bodies are too thin. Kairi's hip bulges out awkardly. Namine's legs are too small, and both of thier hands are awkardly shaped. So its mostly proportions that need work. Its a good effort though.
I know they're thin, I usually draw people a lot fuller than that, but I was using a picture of Kairi as a guide and I noticed that, in the game, they're a lot thinner than a real person would be. Backgrounds are not my strong point and, as I said, I'm not the best artist. Here's another one: http://hogwartsobsessor101x.deviantart.com/art/Kairi-in-Color-69495961 I think that one's probably better.
That one looked better - the lips looks like that of her age, the colour added helped to show that. What did you use to colour with? If you have regular colouring pencils you can cross shade it with different pressure to create highlights and shadows. Know that there is no shame in mixing different colours with echother, it may just help to add shape to the figure. :3
I used regular colored pencils. I used two different colors for the hair, but that's it when it comes to mixing. I'm not really an expert--I just do it for fun. Glad you liked it, thanks.