kairi,her grandmother and radiant garden?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by x0xnaminex0x, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. x0xnaminex0x Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 22, 2009
    so i have been wonder about a couple things about kairi, her grandmother and radiant garden.

    1.ok first of all in traverse town lean or cid said that people who's world where taken by the darkness end up in traverse town. so why does kairi not end up in traverse town?

    2.at the end of kingdom hearts it was said that everyone was returning to there orginal worlds. i get that kairi wants to go back to destiney island cuz to her thats her home, but dont you think she would want to go back to radiant garden cuz her grandma would be there?

    3.i have been wondering where kairi's grandmother is. so where do you thing her grandmother is?

    4.so in bbs you see kairi's grandmother, but where are her parents?!
  2. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    1:Kairi was maybe parted and ended up at Destiny Island. That's why she was found at the beach of Destiny Island.
    2:Maybe she kinda forgot? that's what I would think.
    3:I say the grandmother died....
    4: Parents were killed.
  3. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    When did it say her parents were killed?
  4. x0xnaminex0x Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 22, 2009
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I don't know about the other two, but for these:
    1. Xehanort sent her to Destiny Islands. He was in search of the Keyblade and learned that Princesses of Heart have some connection to it or something and he suspected that Kairi was one of the PoH. He sent her to drift to other worlds in hopes that she would find it.

    2. She considers Destiny Islands her home. That's all I can think off.
  6. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    1. There are multiple things that can happen to people who's world is taken by darkness. Most will either die or become heartless, a few will manage to get through a dark corridor and for some reason this has a high chance of sending people to Traverse Town. Or finally they can end up as a summon gem. These other options are why Traverse Town isn't massively huge and crowded. Kairi specifically? She should have become a heartless but instead her heart ends up with Sora, her body isn't seen until Maleficent shows it to Riku later. Did Maleficent have it since the beginning? Did she fall through a dark corridor that went somewhere else? Does the fact that the door opened have any role? Who knows. Honestly it that important, the exact location of Kairi's comatose body doesn't affect the story much.

    2. She didn't choose where to go. It just happened. From the first time we see Kairi we know she considers Destiny Islands to be her home.
    She doesn't even have memories of it to make her feel like she 'belongs' there. As for x0xnaminex0x's point on the fairy tale, the best I can say is that we know from BBS that Kairi was somewhat obsessive with that story. It would make sense for that to be a piece to stand out in what little memory she has.

    3&4: Those requires random speculation really. The only clue we have for her parents is that she is a princess (at least of sorts). So Ansem the Wise could be a possibilty there.
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I. Kairi didn't end up in Traverse Town because the protective barrier put on her when she became Aqua's successor in Birth By Sleep carried her to Destiny Islands.
    II. Since parents don't really play that big of a role in the Kingdom Hearts series, maybe it's some kind of development/story flaw?
    III. Kairi's grandma is probably either dead, gone, or still hanging out in Radiant Garden. No one really knows...
    IV. Once again, since parents aren't a really big deal, maybe it's just like Riku's parents. Where are they? (I'm talking in terms of game, not manga)
  8. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Saxima and Red Robin are right on this one. Presumably before the world was taken, Xehanort sent Kairi out. This is taken from Ansem Report 11, which you can only find in Final Mix:
    Supposing that there is a close relationship between the Princesses and the Keyblade, it seems likely that they will resonate with each other...
    I have chosen one special girl. I do not know if she possesses a power like that of the Princesses. But, there is a chance, and this is an experiment. She may lead me to the place where the one holding the key is...
    I shall send her off to the ocean of other worlds.

    Because Aqua had placed her protection spell thing on Kairi, she went to Destiny Islands. Most likely because that's where Sora was, as Aqua gave him the task of protecting people. (Well, protecting Riku, but I like to think that extends to Kairi too, for whatever reason. Haven't watched the scene in a while though).

    Well if we go by the cliche, home is where your heart is. Kairi has little to no allegiance to Radiant Garden--it's just that place she happened to live at one point. She can't remember it, and I don't believe we're told if she actually recognizes it when she's there (though that may be due to it being so different than when she was there). Destiny Islands, however, she has Sora and Riku, not to mention the other islanders (Selphie, Tidus, Wakka, her adoptive parents, etc).
    Hm, that's a good question. I guess we just have to assume she either lost her heart or she was scattered when Radiant Garden was taken.
    It'd be nice if in the future she and Kairi were reunited. <3
    While it is a good question, I don't think it's necessarily something that we'll ever learn the answer to. Parents hold very little significance in KH. We get Riku's "we may never see our parents again" line, and Sora's mom calling his name, but little else than that. If we're questioning where Kairi's parents are, we might as well question where Sora's, Riku's, Aqua's, Terra's, Ven's, etc are.
  9. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Aqua put a protective spell on Kairi's necklace on BbS. She made it so that if she was ever in danger, she would go where there'd be someone to protect her. That 'someone' just happened to be the future Keyblade master.

    2. She didn't remember much about HB, even after the incident with the charm. She had always called Destiny Islands her home and Sora and Riku her best friends. I doubt she would want to abandon her friends after everything that had happened.

    3. Probably became a Heartless once HB was overrun with Darkness.

    4. I say it's Disney's habit to have either one or both of a kid's parents dead before the story starts, so it's a mystery.
  10. Ventus PSP Aqua Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 29, 2010
    βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦
    She would of most likely had ended up in Traverse Town if it wasnt for Ansem

    #3:I think her grandmother might be at Destiny Islands too (although I have no idea how she would have gotten there) because who else would be taking care of Kairi? either that or became a heartless

    #4:Im thinking they're either heartless or died when she was young.
  11. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    i think questions #1 and 2 have been answered already.

    #3. Shes either a Heartless, back in Radiant Garden, or died from a heart attack or old age or something. but yes, Misty is right, it would be nice if she could meet her grandmother again

    #4. as previously stated, parents arent really important in this game. in this cutscene:
    Riku says that Sora's dad came to pick them up because theyre not allowed to row to the islands by them selves, but the boat was empty.