Copied from my usual anime-news website (like last time I won't state the site due to it having inappropriate content that younger viewers should avoid, I'm only doing it this way to follow KHV's rules): K-ON!’s upcoming manga continuation is due to cover the university life of the girls, at the same time as Azunyan and company continue at school. According to the announcement, K-ON! will continue in Manga Time Kirara, covering the university antics of the now graduated girls, whilst Manga Time Kirara Carat will carry a separate tale covering the high school antics of Azusa and company. K-ON! Kirara will go on sale April 9th, whilst K-ON! Carat is due to start April 28th. Although hardly overburdened with plot to begin with, having all the girls attend the same university might prove something of a stretch – though the awkwardness of this pales in comparison to improbability of keeping all the girls single and uninvolved whilst at university, a situation which the fanbase may not welcome any change in… The girls of K-ON! will be at university in weeks, but not all fans are happy – in fact, the creepiest amongst them seem to be in danger of creating some potentially entertaining drama. The concern naturally stems from the outlandish notion that a moeblob can have a boyfriend, or that a woman can be appealing out of a school uniform: On the other hand, asking an actual female university student (K-ON! has a significant following amongst young women) yields quite a different response: 2ch is of course generally considered to be closer to the former school of thought, but even so there is much recognition of the presumed inevitability of the girls developing normal human relationships rather than turning into bitter misanthropes or crazed girl-school lesbians:
That, unsurprisingly, is just the result of the more pathetic part of Japanese geek culture. This is the same kind of idiot who freaks out over a voice actress/pop singer expressing interest in expanding her career as well as the same kind of idiot who thinks a game company making a Wii game instead of a Playstation game is betrayal, but will buy still buy a game just to destroy it, thinking its a better option than saving the money (seriously, the Japanese YouTube is absolutely filled with videos of people destroying CDs, movies and games out of "protest.") Not to mention the problems and connotations with their openness about being interested in high school girls when many otaku are in their late 20s, early 30s or even older. In other words, the people *****ing and moaning about the characters aging instead of being high school students for all eternity are simply idiots. Personally, I see this as a good thing. I can foresee some great character development opportunities as well as a chance at there being an actual story.
Me too, them going to Uni was actually the outcome I was hoping for. I also have heard for a fact that there will be a new band member or two, and of course Azusa will be re-joining them when she graduates to Uni. :D