This is actually a bit old, as seen by the published date below, but I just found out about this when I decided to check his Wikipedia page and figured I'd share this important news. I'm glad he's okay. It could have been worse. There are pictures in the linked article. Justin Bieber Attacked at Toronto Nightclub and Reportedly Loses $40,000 Gold Chain Source: Mail Online Published: 9/1/2013 Updated: 9/2/2013
Yikes. I'm not crazy about how this kid's been behaving lately--seems like he's kind of starting to lose it--but this is scary. Good thing bouncers were there to help him out. Jerk or not, no one deserves that.
Given what I've heard about his recent behavior, yeah, I think he should be "punished." Of course it won't happen and I'm not heart broken over that, I just think if it were to happen it would be appropriate albeit somewhat humorous.
Well, my mom always corrects me and says she prefers discipline over punishment because they are different things, sort of. "Punishment" just sounds like something one does for no reason and is done out of anger rather than to educate someone.
I mean, we're all different. Some people react better to being punished, some don't. I was rarely punished as a kid because I was disciplined fairly well. Punishment certainly has a reason, that's kind of the whole point, but as far as being done out of anger it really depends on who is giving it.
With all the hate around him, this isn't very surprising to me. It wouldn't be long for people to attack him at this stage. Not to mention he's been acting more immature and spoiled than ever. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if he was involved in a serious fight. How much I wished he was the singer when everybody just hated him for his songs and not his songs AND his actions.
This is actually kind of upsetting. I feel like everyone should be treated with at least some respect and attacking crosses that line. Just imagine someone not liking you and then all of a sudden you are getting attacked. I mean dang, I know people haven't been liking Justin lately because of his behavior but this crosses a moral line for me.