ok i first want to say im not much of a hater for Justin Bieber but of his fans and here is why: ok it started on friday after me and my two friends went to see the roommate (which by the way it was not scary at all) and then we went to Mcdonalds to wait for my mom to pick us up. now while i was getting my smoothie (i only got the smopthie so we could stay in there instead of staying outside in the freezing cold) this girl who looked like a year younger then us came up to my two friends and started talking to them trying to make fun of them (by the way this girl was wearing a Justin Bieber shirt an afro and fake geeky glasses). now i guess this girl was doin this to make her friends laugh and because there were guys around she thought she could get there attention. now when i came to the table with my smoothie my friends told me what happened and let me tell you i wanted to punch that girl. so my one friend had to got to the bathroom so she did and while she did the girl came over again and this is what happened: "so you got a smoothie there" she said while i was looking at her thinking your not cool so stop trying to act like it. but them i looked at her saying "wow" and she said "wow is right" and right when she said that she was about to leave when i said this "you know girls your age go out with guys on friday nights but its different with you and your friends instead of going out with a guy on a friday night you go see a guy who looks like he is twelve and sings like a girl" and then i just smiled at her. she just glared at me and went to her friends. so yeah i thought Justin Bieber fans were bad before but now i think there idiots (but only some of them).