Just like a Cherry Blossom...

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Last of the Organization, May 10, 2009.

  1. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    My days used to tread on,
    Well that is after a restless night,
    But seeing as the semester has ended,
    I had expected them to finally be gone.

    But it seems as if nothing has changed,
    Going through days with no rest,
    Nothing seems to have changed at all,
    Still not knowing what is best.

    Still I wander on though,
    Not bothering wondering about my sleep,
    Or how I will get through tomorrow,
    Or even perhaps of where I shall go.

    Very little do I find content in this world,
    Or rather very little will keep me at that stage,
    Just a few people or things in my life,
    A few things that feel like my life's wage.

    However you my dear are like a cherry blossom,
    Sweet in both nature and appearance,
    Holding the true beauty I do not see in the world,
    And that my dear is why I think you are awesome.

    Your face is like the bud slowly opening,
    Allowing the whole world to finally see you,
    Your lips rosy pink just like the petals,
    Always smiling that is what you do.

    Just like a gentle petal falling into my hand,
    I like to hold you in a soft embrace,
    Not letting the wind blow you anywhere I might not be,
    Rather always holding each other would be grand.

    But just like the cherry blossom...,
    Sometimes things seem that way,
    You act somewhat distant,
    at least it seems that from day to day.

    Sometimes I feel rather down,
    More than usual I guess you could put it,
    Not walking to see a cherry blossom,
    But rather trapped inside a cold steel town.

    I see you blown away by the wind,
    Your bud slowly closing once again,
    The petals slowly starting to wither,
    With me wishing time I could bend.

    Once again my opportunity is gone,
    My chance to have my precious flower,
    When the moment had been laid right before me,
    But a decision I could not make by the hour.

    So now I must wait another period of time,
    Another season for you to wait again and bloom,
    I only hope by the next time I have to share,
    I will be able to tell my flower by the next rhyme.
  2. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Very poetic and nice job. You make such a good poet. I love the visual concept and the wording is very descriptive. Outstanding job. ^_^
  3. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    It's quite beautifully written at times, but doesnt particularly make sense. My first impression was a bit like "whut?"