i have never been more confused in my life. ...except for that one time i played dream drop distance.
the data scape or whatever is just one big mind-****. halfway through the game I couldn't even tell who was doing what where and when anymore. whereas in DDD i can kinda wrap my mind around it, it's just certain things here and there that make no sense.
idk, i thought the story was fairly easy to understand albeit a bit idiotic when compared to any of the other games in the series and then DDD went and made it an important entry
I'm surprised you guys just noticed that KH has plot holes, its been having them ever since KHII, hopefully we can answer some plot holes without creating new ones, something that KH likes to do a lot these days Re: Coded is the first KH game I refused to play, its not even that important IMO, it looks even worse than Days.