Just finished Days

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    for the first time and I want to give my two cents about it.

    I like this game far more than I anticipated when I was reading news about it years ago. However, while I like this game, I was kinda let down because the emotional impact near the end was so small because of bad story-telling. Nothing is made clear enough throughout the entire game for me to care about anyone but Roxas. Nothing is explained well enough for me to understand why anyone reacts to anything the way they do, and Xions death, which is supposed to be the heart-breaker of the entire thing, was lacking in any emotion (for me) because, like I said, it wasn't made clear enough why she acted the way she did.

    Despite the problems I have with the narrative not providing enough explanation, day 359 is really sad, though that may have something to do with Sanctuary playing than me actually caring. Also, when I started playing this game my hope was that it would make me care more about Roxas, make Xion seem like more than a completely superfluous character, and make the relationship between the three seem like something to care about. It did all three of those. I still don't care about Xion as much as I would like to, but at least she is more than a completely forgettable character.
  2. Odamadillo Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 6, 2008
    Here, there and everywhere.
    I'm actually in agreement over Xion but I actually started to hated Roxas after Days and Axel just seemed more interesting though. That game was important to the series but the story just plain failed.
  3. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I wouldn't say it failed at all, it just didn't do as well as I would have liked.
    I like the how the line where Axel is wondering how things turned out the way they did at the end was delivered, that made me feel like the friendship falling apart had some meaning, but like I said nothing is made clear enough for me to care as much as I would like to.
  4. Odamadillo Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 6, 2008
    Here, there and everywhere.
    True but I think days would have been way better if they did to Roxas, Xion and Axel what they did for Terra, Aqua and Ven that way at least we could see what caused the actions of the three better. And I think we could understand what Xion's death really caused.
  5. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    The entire Xion battle was organized and arranged by Xemnas for a while (e.g. that part in Halloweentown where Roxas and Xion are shocked they're fighting each other). Sora's power was split equally between them, but Xion was sapping more from Roxas as time went on, effectively becoming Sora herself. That's why Xemnas decided to have them fight -- why have two weak vessels when you could have just a a single strong one?

    That's what Xion ended up realizing, and why she tried to run away. But eventually it came to the point where she realized she had no choice but to fight, and forced Roxas into defending himself in Day 357 so he could kill her and stop everyone important to them both from hurting/making things a lot worse.

    It was discussed in the Secret Reports (mainly Axel/Xemnas/Xion/Sai'x).

    Plus that was what made that one Sai'x line about why there were only 13 chairs really biting: it didn't matter which of Roxas or Xion got destroyed, Xemnas only cared for the body and Keyblade that won.

    /i like xion a lot
  6. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Couldn't even finish it. It was too repetitive IMO
  7. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I understood this
    This is what I felt wasn't made clear enough. I wasn't sure how she knew, why she started a fight, why she kept running away, and almost everything else she did near the end.

    I thought that he meant that Roxas was the only one that mattered, I didn't realize they didn't care which one they had.

    Having to do missions over and over isn't fun, but the gameplay itself is. It felt padded with a ton of extra missions, I think they could have easily cut out about half of them and the story wouldn't have changed at all.
  8. Karuta Reborn

    Jul 14, 2012
    I got bored going to wonderland with luxord so I stopped playing.