Just Being Me =_=

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Haiena.Koinu, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Since I plan on hopefully being a game devolver(sp...) one day, (if lucky maybe even a good freelancer as well) I try to make clever ideas, but, family isn't always honest so I'm going to pester the lurkers of the playground (or Spam Zone) Here is a elemental system that I wrote down on paper... All I want to know is does it make sense whatsoever?

    'Rules of the Elements'

    Element Solo= Neutral

    Listed Elemental Pairs

    Shadow ~ Light
    Ice ~ Water
    Storm ~ Wind
    Metal ~ Earth
    Fire ~ Wood

    Elemental Pairs work in a rather simple matter to learn. To help you understand demos will be done with Shadow & Light. It is well known there can be no shadow without light, thus there a pair. In order to use one, there must be the other. So to use a spell/ability based on light, you must have a carrier of shadow. Every living thing has a essence within them called 'Ki'. This energy source allows the elements to be used. No one can use their own Ki though. So Ki most being taken from a willing creature/person of the countering element pair. In easier words, light uses Shadow Ki, meanwhile shadow uses Light Ki.

    Adv. Info

    Each Element is either in the negative or positive row. The following elements; Shadow, Ice, Storm, Metal & Fire go into the negative row. On the other hand; Light, Water, Wind, Earth & Wood are in the positive row. A creature/person can use one element, unless certain things are met. When this happens, they may gain up to 3 elements. Though mattering to their born element. The other elements must run along the same row.

    Besides all that, there is only one last thing to know. The element solo, Neautral. Otherwise known as 'no element' or otherwise the element of Ki itself! Though it holds no spells, meaning the carrier cannot use any form of offense or defense. It can allow any element to use their Ki. Thus making it very rare element and can only be found in the human race. No other race can be a carrier of this element.

    and yes you can think I'm a failure, so there is no need to say I am without a paragraph of reason, Otherwise I shall delete your worthless post.