I expect a party in my honor, complete with champagne and an array of fancy cheeses. Plus a gold medal that says "fashionably late." Of note: War Hero, Vanguard, Shotguns, Shotguns, SHOTGUNS. I didn't even bother hiding behind cover on the Citadel finale, I just strode about and obliterated the heads off of any Geth who crossed me. Yes, I let Ashley die. No, it's not because she's racist. It's mostly because right up 'til the end of the game I still laughed at the fact that the game required a loading screen to talk to Kaidan. And the fuckin' look he gives you right before it starts is too good. I have dubbed it THE EYES OF LOADING. Yes, I romanced Liara, but mostly because Tali isn't an option, apparently. I'm told this changes in ME2. Highly anticipated. (Also that sex scene was totally ruined by the constant shuffling noises js) By chance I had this playing when Wrex found out the Salarians were planning to destroy the genophage cure and you had to talk him down from shooting up the place. That scene took on an... interesting flavor. Blame Sumi, her music taste is too stronk. Got an interesting glitch once or twice, where the textures of my squad and most enemies would become corrupted or something? All I know is it turned me into a walking fog of black pixels. Figured out it was a compatibility issue with AMD and fixed it, but it made Noveria and the first bit of Ilos pretty interesting. I was very pleased that talking Saren down was an option. I was also very pleased that Garrus double-tapped him, just to be sure. Then I lost my motherfucking mind when he got bACK UP HOLY SHIT SOVERAREN. SARVEREIGN. WHATEVER. FUCK. THAT WAS ALL REALLY GOOD. The Council is dead and I am a Stalwart Shut up Nova no one on this forum is old enough to get that joke. I kinda picked that one on instinct, but in retrospect I regret my decision. I got the full retard ending where humans are suddenly the most important things in the universe. Or maybe that's both endings Idk. Message from Liara: DO YOU EVEN LIFT Looking forward to ME2! Or possibly a Ruthless Renegade Infiltrator Femshep run, we'll see how I feel
I have recently been informed that I'm playing Vanguard completely wrong and hey maybe you should use your biotics ..., so I've switched from pure Assault Rifle carnage to Pistol & SMG and CHARGE THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF EVERYONE. I romanced Liara hardcore in the first game but (ME2 minor spoila she's not a romance option in ME2 kind of) I romanced Garrus in ME2. If you are anything like me (which you might not be), the pure guilt you feel on steppin' out on your love interest is ridic. I killed the Council also. What were your other end game decisions? Did you leave Udina or Anderson ~in charge~?
...Oh am I not supposed to use shotgun I mean by the time I was in endgame I had Rail Extension VII, Tungston Rounds VII, I could actually one-shot people from sniping distance. And I never had time for biotics because fuckin' LIARA IS CRAZY. I will pretend I am not that person but I will probably feel terrible Anderson, of course. Udina is a backstabbin punk bitch and he can rot in dark space :E
I have no idea lol I have just endured a lot of ridicule and WHY ARE YOU PLAYING LIKE THIS ever since I bought a capture card damn skippy my girl OH JUST WAIT
It's ok someday I will get ME3 for PS3 and my mother will get a new modem that isn't an ass sandwich and you & me will be the Vanguard Bros Except I really want to be a Krogan and just charge everybody but I heard Libre already does that and I don't want to take his jerb ;_; Oh god don't tell me he reprises his role as a complete cockbag in ME2 I hope I get to punch him next time
But EA will probably shut down the servers sooner than later actually, Udina... and most of Mass Effect 1... barely factor in to ME2 On an unrelated note, ME2 is a vastly superior game