It may be a little bad, but just bear with me, 'kay? <3 If you don't know what a limerick is, it's just like a nursery rhyme. That's best way I can think of to explain it lol Cheese There once was a kid named Cheese, And man, was he hard to please. He needed some fruit, And a sausage to boot, But it ended when he ate his keys.
It's cute but I would take out the 'all' in the last line. It cuts off the flow of the limerick. Other then that it's adorable. Did you make it yourself?
Thanks for the advice (: And yes, I did make it myself. ^_^ Inspiration came from a good friend of mine. (:
Very cute indeed~! It has a nice flow, I might even say this to my kids when they're trying to go to sleep! I can't wait to see more of what you got! c:
Another Limerick.. Nobodies are very scary. Yeah, their weapons make me wary. Xemnas is cunning, And rather stunning. Too bad there isn't a Larry. I didn't know what to name it.. :P haha Soo what do you think? ^^
Somewhat cute. I prefer the limerick 'Cheese' better though, has more of a flow, something I would say to entertain my baby brother. Overall nice work