Well here's the game ID to start. AJUJ-65E1D889 When you beat a mission you get 999for each gems C0000000 00000005 120AFF3C 000003E7 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Infinite Health (Leader) 221df1d5 00000050 Infinite Health (non-leader character, for decks with more than one) 221df225 00000050 Infinite Special Attacks (a.k.a. X-button attacks) 221df731 00000005 Infinite Gems (You know, the Gems you use to unlock higher-level characters) 120b76c8 0000270f 120b76cc 0000270f 120b76d0 0000270f 120b76d4 0000270f 120b76d8 0000270f 120b76dc 0000270f
dude i think its for ultra not super but yea does anybody have an unlock all characetrs for boths thanks