Judgment Day

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Rainbow~Monkey, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    I was reading the Bible the other day, and I was reading about Judgment Day but its context was to hard for me to comprehend. It said something about the mark of the beast and something about a Lamb with seven eyes. What were the signs that Jesus was here? It was kinda hard to read.
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Even though I am no longer Christian, I can probably shed some light on this.

    Most authorities say that, before the Apocalypse begins, all the believers will be taken to heaven all at once, in what is called the Rapture. After that will come seven years of war, famine, death, and destruction, all ruled by a man who will be called the Antichrist, although most will never realize it. They say he can be recognized by his political moves before the Apocalypse begins - he will organize a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israelis for seven years. He will also rebuild Solomon's Temple and unite the world under one leader - him.

    After a certain amount of time, no one is quite sure how long, he will declare himself God and institute emperor worship. Anyone who refuses to "wear his mark" - most likely a sub-dermal (under the skin) credit card or other type of time-saving device that can identify you - will be executed. By the end of it all, 1/3 of life on earth will be dead, 1/3 of the stars will be blackened, a massive comet will fall to earth, poisoning most of the water, and 3/4 of the human population will be eradicated through a combination of famine, plague, and nuclear war.

    After it is all over, Jesus will return, leading all the believers of history in a final battle (on this earth), wherein he will banish Satan for about 1000 years, and he will reign on a new, reborn planet.

    The bible is filled with symbolic language, but that is the literal interpretation which I learned. There have been interpretations which say all of that was a metaphor for the Roman Empire, or a fictional story outlining the consequences of sin, etc etc. I personally don't believe a word of any of it, but there you go. Hope this helps.
  3. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    The rider with the robe dipped in blood and wearing many crowns is supposed to represent Jesus.

    Anyway, I assume you're reading Revelation? That book isn't about the future; it's about the time when John of Patmos wrote the book. It's all political allegory. The Number of the Beast, 666, in Hebrew numerology translates to Nero Caesar, who was a Roman Emperor who had persecuted Christians during his reign. There was a fear that he would return to persecute the Christians again, which is why he was include in the book.
    The Lamb with seven eyes: again, Jesus.
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Yea, there is one of the theories I was saying. I was taught the way I mentioned, and of course, I no longer believe in any of it, seeing how riddled with inaccuracies, inconsistancies, and direct contradictions the bible is.
  5. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    Heh? i think i understand those words you typed, i think..
  6. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    if youre reading from the Book of Revelations, a lot of people think that that particular book in the bible is a bunch of crap... but then there are a loot of people that also say all true. really is up to personal interpretation, soooo ultimately its up to you to decided whether you believe it or what you think it means.