Journey of Reflection

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by water mage, May 9, 2010.

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  1. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Takes place after the first years graduate from high school and the ecnomy is worse than ever epecially for the working class. Haruhi is shocked and frusterated to find out that there isn't any funding for the law school she wants to attend and no one is hiring so she can't get a job to pay her tuition.

    Everyone else in the host club faces different problems. Hunny doesn't want to continue with his martial arts 24/7 as he has been for the past three years Mori doesn't want to be seperated from his cousin and go his way seeing how his life hasn't changed to what he expected it to be, Hikaru and Kaoru hate the fact that the host club is over and that they are stuck being forced to live under their parent's roof as well as attend lessons and go to a university they could care less about. Kyouya being the third son, faces more pressure from his father and can't give his opinion to anything such as make changes and Tamaki is faced with learning more of Suoh trade and being away from his so called "family" thus leaving him no spare time to be whom he once was.

    When things look their bleakest,Tamaki hating what his life has turned to, sees a mysterious portal in the distance that appears and disappears every now and then. He thinks of another place to call home like America. He decides to meet everyone at his mansion once again from the host club except Haruhi to discuss their futures They come to the decision that's it's time to leave Japan and go else where; however Haruhi must come with them due to the twins and Tamaki's protest. They travel to her apartment and learn that her father can't pay the rent any more and is on the verge of losing his job due to cut backs. Haruhi becomes in debt again to the guys at the host club for having them pay her father's bills and lead him to have a comfortable life finacally. She must leave with them at once on one of their private jets. Without saying a single word to any of their parental units, they leave Japan and head towards America, the land of opportunity.

    However without any warning, the jet gets sucked in by the vortex and they get lost in the World That Never Was.Being Tamaki with his optimistic attitude, he sees a beautiful white castle in the distance and decides that would be perfect to hold upcoming host events and balls for their guests of the come back of the host club rather than thinking of their situation. Haruhi tries to reason with him, but to no avail. Kyouya studies the structure and ponders how to get out the world, the twins go exploring, and Honey and Mori go off as well. Little does the host club know once inside they become unexpected permenent tenents in the floating castle due to various reasons only to try to get along with the inhabiants and influence the organization their ways and standards. What will become of this?

    Meanwhile Sora and the others learn that outsiders have come into their world and go to the source to see that the organization is indeed back and that are "others" living there with them which creates lots of speculation and curiousity for the young hero and his group.


    *Everyone is to be treated with respect around here so respect everyone's feelings and posts and if you have a disgreement please pm me about it. There is to be no flaming, or insults to anyone here. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Disrespect to other characters is fine, as long as it is not the user hurting another user's feelings.

    *No spamming which means only posting as OOC format after the rpg has startted. You must post in character(s) while you're here once the rpg begins. If you have to talk out of character please use the OOC format or simply vm or pm me.
    Example: (OOC: *say what you're going to say*) OOC means out of character

    *There is one exception listed below to the god modding rule which means no controling another user's character(s).

    Exception: Currently I will go ahead and take the roles of Hikaru and Kaoru since they are identical twins, but I will share the roles of the twins if a user can prove to me that that he/she is evenly matched with how I roleplay. This will be handled through a private message. Doesn't have to be exact, but you must think like you're my twin so it could be a challenge, but do your best. I don't expect perfection. So for those who apply for this postion must have spare time on their hands and be able to communicate with me very often like almost every day or other day so we can coinside of how to post has either Hikaru and Kaoru or both of them. In other words that other user will be playing them both as I will.

    *No power playing which means making the character invinciable. Everyone has to have a weakness and that includes the OCs. (original characters)

    *Each person can be up to three or four characters which includes Ocs, however if you have an OC you must have at least one character from either Ouran High School Host Club or Kingdom Hearts.

    *Please stay active in this rpg and let others know if you're going to be leaving instead of just quitting. I hate it when others do that.

    *If you're leaving for a short period let me know so I can give you a recap. But keep up with the posts and don't just ask for a recap without reading it.

    *One, two or three liners are forbidden. You must post at least a paragraph which can be anywhere from 4 sentences. Your posts can be as long and detailed as you like.

    *Please try to use proper grammar and spelling. If that is a problem don't worry about it. Just do your best please.

    *If you wish to have another character not listed let me know.

    *To have a character please read the rules and type the saying "inner and outer beauty" in your post; that way I know you read them.

    OC Format

    Species: (human, heartless, nobody etc.
    Image of the OC if you have one:

    Ouran High School Host Club:

    Haruhi: Princess_ of_ hearts
    Tamaki: fire mage
    Kyoya: Last of the Organization
    Hikaru: water mage
    Kaoru: water mage
    Hunny: Aerith G
    Mori: Aerith G

    Kingdom Hearts:

    Organization XIII

    Xemnas: AmericanSephiroth
    Saix: leon47
    Axel: fire mage
    Demyx: water mage
    Marluxia: Last of the Organization
    Xion: Aerith G

    Final Fantasy Characters:

    Sephiroth: American Sephiroth
    Cloud: water mage
    Leon: fire mage

    Sora: Princess_of_hearts
    Kairi: Aerith G
    King Mickey:
  2. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    (OOC: I've never been in a crossover yet, but I would like to try.Inner and outer beauty. Can I please have Axel, Leon, and Tamaki? If anyone else wants to be Tamaki I will gladly give him up for someone who really wants him. I'll just be him for now to get the rpg going. I'll even take Saix if no one else wants him, but now I'm at my four character limit. I have a feeling this will be interesting.)
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "inner and outer beauty" can i take haruhi? =] this looks like a lot of fun and i can't wait to see how it goes. if you need any characters taken to get the rp going or continued let me know, i'll gladly take them on.
  4. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: I updated the list and thanks for volunteering to be who ever we might need. Who did else did you have in mind of all the characters that are listed?)
  5. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    "Inner and Outer Beauty". I will gladly play the role of Marluxia and Kyouya.
  6. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC:"inner and outer beauty" i guess i will take Sephiroth.
  7. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    "Inner and outer beauty" I will be Saix
  8. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: I added you guys to the list. I would like for someone to play Xemnas if they can, plus Sora and Roxas would be appreciated.)
  9. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC: well i can be Xemnas as well.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: i can take Sora until someone wants him permanantly
  11. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: That's fine with me guys. When do you guys want to begin? I'm very flexiable with my schedule.)
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: i'm cool with any time. i don't have any set times i'm online but i'll start whenever you want to.
  13. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Good anytime to me.
  14. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: You guys can go ahead and begin the rp and anyone who would like to still join please do.)
  15. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Xemnas and all of the other nobodies sat in the room that never was "Demyx you have an assignment we have intruders at the castle you are to go inspect it and report back here is that understood?" Xemnas waited for the response to plan a course of action
  16. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Way to get things going, AmercianSephiroth but just so you know, no one from the host club has arrived through the world yet so I'll improvise, and go from there. Be sure to have the posts a tad longer too okay? ^-^ For everyone: So there is no confusion please color code your character(s) and type before your post the setting of where your character(s) are at.)

    In the Castle of the World That Never Was...

    The lights were flashing rapidly, a fog machine drifted the contents through the darkness, like a slow claw reaching out into the abyss. The back of his black jacket with studs of his rock name, sparkling brighter than diamonds made people look twice at him. Gripping his instrument tighter than life itself, the rock star waved to his crowd as they chanted his name. He was famous from the naked eye could see, his name was known by all who lived the lifestyle. Setting his fingers to play his next tune, the whole facade flashed out of focus bringing him back to his painful existance as a nobody. From hanging his feet out of boredom, Demyx was quickly snapped out of his trance where he invisoned himself as whom he was once standing on stage as a rockstar before his roaring fans. Demyx glanced at everyone whom was present Where Nothing Gathers, groaned to himself for he fretted having to do any kind of assignment that the senior members assigned him to. "Intruders? How could anyone get in the castle anyway?" He questioned his boss, shrugging both of his shoulders.

    Indeed there was someone, and it happened to have been a warrior clad in black, with spikey blond hair that nearly resembled Roxas's. Cloud had escaped his rival and most feared foe Sephiroth from one of their heated battles to the death. Last the two fought, Cloud had escaped into the light, one of his last means of defense against one whom could control his every thought and whim. He was safe, but for how long was the question. Dropping his sword to the ground, Cloud leaned on one of the exterior walls of the castle to catch his breath before the next conflict starrted.

    Elsewhere in a different part of Japan...

    A youth in his teen years, sat on a large pillow next to a large pane window starred at his reflection almost in regret or sorrow. Freedom that he once knew had seemed to vansih out of thin air according to the news he received from his parents this morning. Everything had already been decided for him, his whole future layed out before waiting to be followed. He felt like a prisoner trapped in his own home, that consisting of a large mansion complete with servants and guards almost everywhere he looked. Kaoru, the youngest Hitachiin twin, one with lineage and power at his disposal not able to decide his own plans for his future. It was rather pathetic, but at least he was handling the situation better compared to his older, less mature brother. "Will you calm down? There is nothing we can do," Kaoru slowly walked across the room until he decided to sit on the bed.

    Books fell from thier neat categorized homes down onto the floor only to be kicked aside from their abuser. Pillows were tossed from the nestled spot on the bed at other parts of the spacious room. Anything that caught the sight of the golden orbed teen went hurling into a chaotic mess. Hikaru, the oldest indentical twin, was going on a rampage for he had just come back from the same exact lecture earlier. His fists were clenched and fury was set in his eyes, like a caged wild animal. "I don't believe this. What gives them the right to decide our futures? It's our lives not theirs and we can do what we want with them. Why should we have to still listen to them and follow their stupid rules?" He collapsed on the bed, lying with his head hanging off the bed until he got bored with that and flipped onto his side, now laying on his stomach."Man. It's so unfair. I wonder if the others have to put up with the same bull we're going through?" He ran his hand through his hair, attempting to calm himself down.
  17. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "Demyx, I have no idea how or why there are intruders i want you to go scout for that particular reason if you are so afraid take someone else with you." Xemnas started to look a little impatient at the moment

    Meanwhile in the Crystal Fissure

    Sephiroth looked around "hmph it seems the traitor has escaped with his life for now" Sephiroth stood at the edge of the fissure " its only a matter of time before he returns." Sephiroth was bored and walked off to go kill something

    OOC: this a bit better?
  18. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    In the Castle in The World That Never Was...

    Marluxia sat quietly in his throne, his arms crossed in a regale and proud posture, his eyes starring straight ahead at nothing. His mind however was elsewhere, mostly his usual thought, but of course the reasoning of Xemnas to call this meeting. He had to admit the words an intruder was in the midst of the world did intrigue his curiosity to some extent, but if that was so why must the whole Organization be present for such a medial task to be given to Demyx. His eyes turned and glared at the so called "Superior" however not long enough to be noticed at least by Xemnas himself before speaking, "a excellent choice...two members should be required for this until we realize what we are dealing with at hand..." he said letting his blue orbs travel around the room looking everyone in the eyes. His eyes finally stopped on Axel, realizing this could prove beneficial to his own thoughts, "I nominate VIII....its been sometime since your last mission and I think you shall suffice as a partner..." he said waiting for response.

    Elsewhere in Japan...

    Kyouya quietly sat in his room looking over numerous medical magazines, journals, and books. His eyes were clearly dull and bored, knowing that he all ready had been able to retain most of this information, that this was pointless. He leaned back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling before his eyes drifted to his computer, he sat up somewhat and began to reach out a hand towards it before pausing and recoiling it. Without really anything to predict or manage there had actually become a lack of need to use even it. "To think I would miss the challenges that came from the Host Club and that idiot..." he said rubbing his temples.
  19. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    In the Castle of the World That Never Was...

    Axel was starring at the others in the room, with malcontent in his emerald eyes. Was this even heard of? What was the so called reason that all of the members had to be present? Xemnas must of had something else planned up his sleeve for there was no way he would summon every member of the organization to come forth just for intruders. In fact, wasn't it the lower nobodies jobs? What were they doing? The organization members were far to important to survey the castle and yet Xemnas had commanded Demyx to seek out anyone. What could the leader have planned? Axel was not convinced of his leader's decision. It was disturbing and Marluxia volunteering to have the fire wielder aid in the mission didn't make sense either. "I can't recall the last time you ever went out of the castle, except to attempt to eliminate us all using Sora as your pawn Marluxia. For your treachery, you should have the sole duty to seek out the trespassers yourself. What do you say to that," he replied with a smug grin, his arms crossed on his chest awaiting the answer from the graceful assassin.

    In the World That Never Was...

    It was a sole mission and Leon had to be careful not to alert the keyblade wielder, Sora of the kind of deed he had commited. The brunette had taken the gummi ship without permission from King Mickey, or the others. He had great concerns for his comrade Cloud especially Sephiroth whom had graced his presence in Radiant Gardens. Cloud had vanished into the light from their last encounter and it was up to Leon to track his troubled friend. Cloud was one who preferred to be alone which always spelled out trouble for the citizens of their world. Chaos and violence seemed to follow Cloud like a shadow, and as the one of the world's protectors, Leon had to uphold the peace and be a step ahead before any damage could start. Nearing his location, he landed the gummi ship, outside of the castle and snuck across the bridge to the entrance. In the shadows, he suspected the other warrrior resting. Cautiously, Leon edged toward Cloud.

    Meanwhile in Japan...

    Pacing down the halls of the main mansion that he was permitted to stay in, a sigh of boredom was sketched across Tamaki's face. Coming back from his lesson and spotting a strange unnatural occurance of a black void on the news concened him and made him want to be alone. More bad news. Could matters get worse? His life felt like it held no meaning ever since everyone had graduated from Ouran. Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru were the last to graduate and it saddened him to think of what lives the others were leading without anything to look forward to. Tamaki was not accepting the role of learning the family business. He wanted something more than what his father had expected of him. If only there was somewhere else he go? The economy was poor, and business wasn't booming as it once was. If only he could escape reality and his foreseen future? Tamaki spent most of his leisure time reading books that his mother gave him when he was a child. One of his favorites were those with castles and princesses where everyone lived happily ever after. In reality, Japan just didn't seem to have any opportunities anymore especially for the working class and therfore no one could be happy like the characters in his books. Not that he greatly cared except for one person, Haruhi. He imagined her struggling to get by and it sickened him. She deserved so much better, just like those in fairy tales, but that's all they were. Tamaki went into his room, to comtemplate of some other choices he could make. Perhaps it was time to leave their country and seek out a whole new life. America came into his mind, the land of opportunity. Without a moment's notice, he picked up his cell phone and sent Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Hunny, and Mori a text message telling them to meet him at his mansion. It was time to set his plan in action.
  20. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Xemnas had a strange look in his glowing topaz colored eyes he sat in his throne "As some of you may have figured out i did not just summon you all here as a group of scouts. No, that isnt it we have a bigger problem really it is this." Xemnas focused on Marluxia "you of all people Marluxia should be more informed then anyone. There is one and one thing only that the accursed keyblade master said to me that I will listen to and it was 'Do you remember having a heart' and to that I say I don't but some of you do. The two that stand out the most in this are Axel and Marluxia, so in that your former emotions got the better of you Marluxia's was envy and Axel's was love. What I am stating here is that your emotions amplified your power but made you believe you had a heart. So I am going to attempt to pretend I have a heart and have a little more thought seeing as we do not want another incident. But, do not mistake my mercy for weakness IF that happens again whoever is involved will wish that a keyblade weilder had gotten to them first. Do I make myself perfectly clear? Now that that is out of the way there are a few missions. Marluxia there is something I want you to find for me. So go to Radiant Garden and find this item" Xemnas threw and envelope at him "everyone else..... Dismissed"
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