I have a tendency to watch Angry Joe now since the One has been shown. He managed to snag Major Nelson who's one of the higher-ups for the Xbox One for a prearranged interview. Just thought I'd share because despite the fact it covers a lot of the same material, I saw some stuff that bothered me: http://angryjoeshow.com/2013/06/xbox-one-aj-interview/ One thing especially was that Joe was saying that PR were trying to come in during the whole interview and stop it. They were circling around and being a distraction from the interview and seemed generally mad that he was doing it. Another was that the way Nelson handled some of the questions. He was friendly and nice at first, then he started to get more confrontational and rude as the questions were directed to the concerns of the consumers over the One. Especially the fact he didn't answer ANY of the concerns or Don's comments.
I was liking the interview at first, but when the hard questions started getting asked, the dude (not Joe, obviously) just turned into an asshole, especially when he says that the benefits overcome the restrictions being imposed, and trying so hard to make Steam look lame just because they don't have the same game sharing features. He flat out avoids the question about the military too. So from this, and all of the information I've gathered so far, the only thing I've liked confirmed about the Xbox One besides the pretty good hardware specs: the game sharing, and that still a thing I'm iffy on thanks to NEEDING INTERNET.
I noticed that he either has the worlds best poker face... Or he just lies when he says he didn't know Mattrick's comments. If I heard about an Exec during an interview doing that before hand and not telling him, the first thing I'd do is go and wring whoever's neck that didn't tell him when it's mentioned like that. Even if the guys your superior, if you're representing your company, you HAVE TO know about this **** if it's public, which it was. Yeah, I also didn't like the fact that apparently he yanked the mic out of Joe's hands at one point. Completely unprofessional of him to do so. I know Joe got this as a last minute and he didn't look professional because he wasn't sure on the questions, but that's no excuse to bully someone like that and be rude and disrespectful including interrupting them constantly, pushing their point and being almost confrontational in their answers. "Do you want to be a part of the future?" was WAY out of line and very in your face when I don't see him doing that with other journalists. I feel bad for him, he was very apologetic afterwards and I don't see a reason he has to be. Most of what happened wasn't his fault, he was a little overenthusiastic, but Nelson didn't let him finish the questions 90% of the time.
Yeah, I did listen to it, it was pretty interesting. =3 I think he shouldn't feel too bad for PR, they shouldn't have been hovering around. The PR lady should have really known fully what was going on and it was her call. It's not Joe's fault she made the call, I'm glad she did. The benefits, I'm still....... Eh about and I don't really like the fact this shuts down mom and pop stores since I get a better deal on games at a lower price somewhere else. I also am not convinced the "benefits" will really help. Especially since around here cell phone coverage is worse than the Internet. The family sharing, I see there's a "but" mostly because Nelson didn't really say anything negative. I just feel if someone tells you all the positives without the negatives, everything that is said most likely has a major catch to it that they're not saying. Which they've been avoiding of saying since the beginning. But that's just me. I do like the idea of a revolution. Especially since it sounds like MS is just listening to the devs, but maybe a little less influence from EA? Who's been voted the worst company of the year twice in a row in any business? I think if the devs don't do well this time, and they keep on getting screwed like Red, they'll refuse to make more games for MS.