Just out of curiosity~ Where do you work? :3 What jobs have you had? What job would you like to have? 8D Spoiler: Mine I don't work at the moment @_@ I've worked at Ben & Jerry's and in the Cappuccino Cart/Servery in my college I want to work at a bakery but I applied for Starbucks which would be a fun experience 8DD
~ Currently work in the school dining hall as a cashier. It sucks. ~ More food service. And I was a camp counselor one year. ~ None of the above. Except maybe child care, I'd be okay with that. Ideally I'd like to act, since I don't get paid to be on the computer.
I don't work. I haven't worked. A book store. I plan to get a job sometime at the beginning of 2013. The problem is having a way to get to a job.
- No job currently - Worked at a Denny's as a host - Keyblade Master or Assassin, whichever gives me more thrills
I work at a local movie theater where I basically have to serve people popcorn then pick up their droppings. v: The theater was my first job; I left it over this past summer to work at Best Buy. However, I hated Best Buy so I quit and returned to the theater. In school to be a high school English teacher
I work in the centre of Glasgow...On a Saturday night...THE STUFF YOU SEE! I've worked in Toy's R' US and G4 (A gadget shop) till it went bust. Oh, also had a paper run lol. Still a job. xD Supreme overload of the universes, but I'd say that's more of a hobby. Looking to be a network/system administrator or a network surveyor.