Jews Compared to Nazis in Global Protests

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by jafar, Jan 29, 2009.

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  1. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    In multiple Gaza pro Hamas demonstrations large signs and speeches compared Gaza to Ghetto Warsaw. The comparative of the two is ridiculous, but to the ignorant the massage is clear. Jews are doing to the Gazans what Nazi did to the Jews. Equating Israel IDF to criminal Nazi is meant to put both in the same category, the category of the brutal war criminals who killed the Jews and now these Jews are acting in the same way. Thus the moral foundation of Israel and it standing among nations is tarnished. When these kind of allegations come from Hamas/Iranian propagandists who do not care about details they can be easily dismissed. When similar allegations come from Richard A. Falk who is UN special reporter for High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip these are malicious one sided anti Semitic characterization. He said "To lock people into a war zone (in Gaza) is something that evokes the worst kind of international memories of the Warsaw Ghetto, and sieges that occur unintentionally during a period of wartime," (01/24/2009). Richard A. Falk is an professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, writer (the author or co-author of 20 books), speaker, activist on world affairs, and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories. He knew or should have known that comparing Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto is incorrect. To gain legitimacy Falk identifies himself as an American Jew. Abrahamowicz is doing the same. These supposedly intellectual were the foundation that legitimized Nazi genocide of Jews.

    Ghetto Warsaw: In 1940, around 440,000 Jews from all over Poland were transported into a 3.5 square mile of Warsaw (126,000 Jews/square mile). Warsaw Ghetto had no agriculture, industry or dwellings. They were exposed to harsh Poland winters without proper heating. Nazis refused to allow enough food into the ghetto. By July 1942, 80,000 of the Jews died due to starvation and disease. Jewish uprising happened when they realized that they are deported to extermination camps. About a 100 of them armed with sticks and pistols attacked the German army and were brutally killed. No German civilians were involved. While world leaders knew what is going on, very little was done to support them. Children and infants, women and elderly were deliberately killed. Jews in Warsaw Ghetto did not have an ideology that calls to kill all Germans. Rather, they tried to survive. Gaza "ghetto": Gaza has 139 square miles with 1,400,000 Arab population (11,000 Gazans/square mile) who lived there for years. 18% of Jews died in Ghetto Warsaw within two years. If same happened in Gaza 252,000 would have died. Gaza does not have the harsh Poland winter, has fields of produce, chicken, sheep and fish. Have usually electricity and running water, hospitals and schools. They are supplied by Israel and by smuggling through tunnels. They have full support from UNWRA, Arab and Muslim states as well as many other countries and organizations. They regularly attack Israeli civilians. Hamas usually is acting from residential areas and use children as human shields. Like Nazi philosophy Hamas Covenant calls not only for destruction Israel but also to kill the Jews, all the Jews.
    Nazi treatment of Jews: Gestapo official in Warsaw: "It is permissible to take from a Jew everything….Whoever wishes may kill a Jew, and our law will not punish him for it." Hamas treatment of Jews: same. This comparison of Gaza and Ghetto Warsaw should have been clear to professor Falk. It is only difficult to understand what does UN High Commissioner for Human Rights try to achieve by supporting a sophisticated liar? Will it advance the rights of Palestinians? Obviously the right of Jews, as in Ghetto Warsaw, were never an issue. Falk has no legitimacy, not as a Jew and not as a human being even if he will pray by the Wailing Wall. As before and ever Hamas terrorists will celebrate and Israeli will be more radicalized by the likes of Falk. The fact that Israel did not allow Falk to enter the country has to be taken further and be a warning to all those who criticize Israel: Israel endorses discussion, free speech and criticism. In turn free speech has to be based on facts, be accurate, fair, balanced, responsible and itself open to criticism. Free speech can be a powerful tool to advance our society but it cannot be a shouting match or a license to kill. Richard A. Falk and alike should not be given a stage in a responsible media.
  2. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    It is my opinion that with the views that Hamas has (basically Nazi views), they should be eradicated. I'm not saying the IDF should kill innocent people for it, but they take precautions to minimize civilians casualties, and when people ignore the IDF's warnings and get themselves killed, whose fault is that?

    And it's really pathetic and kinda anti-Semitic, I think, to compare the Gaza offensive to the actions that the NSDAP took against European Jewry during the Holocaust.
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