Traditional Art Japanese Vampire Ninja Drawing

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Sexy Sheva, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    I know its not the best I've done, but its something at least ^.^


    CnC please

    I know I made mistakes but I don't exactly know what to do about them

    I easily drew it out first then darkened in the lines to make the shape then I colored it.
  2. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Well..... in all honesty it's not life-like at all. If you truely want CnC :


    Start off drawing objects and such before moving onto humans/living things.

    Then your shading, which you really have none; unless you are trying to count her outline as. :| The hair has no 'flow', her lips are different shaped, ears are two different sizes, her clothes have no detail and look stiff, and her nose is off centered. Perportions are key. Diffenately screams '2D'... I'm not sure if you really wanted that look or not.

    I hope this helps you. ^_^