Japan Expo 2012: Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Attention all French inhabitants!
    This year, the Japan Expo will be set in Paris, France as confirmed on the European SE Blog. On July 7th 2012, Kingdom Hearts staff; Shinji Hashimoto (Executive producer) and Yoko Shimomura (Composer) will be at the Signing session for the Nintendo booth at 4:30pm. This is will be following the Nintendo and Square Enix conference which takes place at 2pm on the Video Games Stage.


    Special thanks to axel91 for informing me.

    07/07/12 Update

    For those who couldn't be in France, not a lot was missed in terms of news. There were however some lovely pictures taken. These include photos of 3DS booths, New Wall Scrolls, and even a hand drawn picture by Nomura himself.

    [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxNVVc-CIAA9mG-.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxXUhnCCEAAju3s.jpg:large[/advthumb]
    [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxNHwDPCAAArtgu.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxMbHQxCAAAx0Gl.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxMXC4gCEAAxkTQ.jpg[/advthumb]
    [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxMXukyCAAAoIZI.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxMYFy9CMAANQec.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxMY2jICQAAZJtM.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]https://p.twimg.com/AxNBzhICAAEuMw-.jpg[/advthumb]

    Photos Courtesy of KHDestiny.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.