Nintendo will be streaming a special Fire Emblem Direct on Wednesday, January 18. No time has yet been announced. The stream will likely discuss the recently announced Fire Emblem Warriors game for the Switch as well as the previously announced Fire Emblem mobile game. As always, the stream will likely be available to view on Nintendo's official website in addition to their Twitch and YouTube channels. source
Four hours to go! I'll be updating this post live with the direct's announcements (I'm putting it up now since I won't have my laptop back out until just before the direct orz): Yuri Lowenthal is narrating the Direct. Fire Emblem Echoes: Fires of Valentia, a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden announced for the 3DS. Like Gaiden, Fires of Valentia will also have dungeon crawling gameplay in addition to the series' tactics gameplay. It will launch on May 19 this year. New amiibo will be released of Alm and Celica, Fires of Valentia's dual protagonists. A new Fire Emblem title will release for the Switch in 2018. Fire Emblem Warriors will release this fall for the Switch and New 3DS. Chrom is playable. Fire Emblem Heroes features a new story with new characters, but the avatar character is a summoner who can bring forth characters from past Fire Emblem games. The game is played with the phone held in portrait. Controls are simplified, but maps will require strategic play. The weapons triangle (and magic triangle) is back. You can spend in-game currency called Orbs to buy summon characters. Units don't permanently die when defeated in combat. Outside of the main story quest, there's an area you can access to level up your units. The game will be a timed exclusive, releasing on Android on February 2 and iOS later.