Jak and Daxter:The siege of Haven city

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by james7171999, Jan 1, 2012.

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  1. james7171999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 13, 2011
    Story:As part of the Freedom league,you,your own custom soldier working up the ranks by helping keep peace and order in Haven city by killing metal heads and destroying KG deathbots in missions.(I might add the Dark makers)

    Soldier name:
    Class(infantry,pilot etc)
    Appearence(described the best you can)(Must have blue armor):
    Originaly part of(Krimzon guard or underground):
    Favorite kind of mission(recon,defend,assault etc):

    Only 1 soldier but at any time if you want,you can ask me to change your class to your choice.
    Missions are acceptable and declinable but you can only decline 5 missions for every 2 days.
    Your rank will increase by successfuly completing 8 missions.
    Each mission will have options to choose;Example:You see a group of people being attacked by metal heads
    A:Fight them off
    B:Let them defend themselves

    Your ranks:
    Recruit:No advantage
    Soldier class 3:Accepted to be in some missions
    Soldier class 2:Accepted to be in more missions,Better skills
    Soldier class 1:Accepted to be in most missions,highly improved skills,higher health
    Guard:Slight mission difficulty decrease
    Elite Guard:Medium mission difficulty,more damage dealt to enemies
    Captain:Easy missions,can be in almost all kinds of missions,almost all skills
    Commander:Access to almost everything,more precursor orbs rewarded for missions
    Legendary missionary:Max health,max damage dealt to enemies,high orb rewards for missions,all skills,accept all kinds of missions,super easy difficulty,etc
    Dodge roll
    rapid fire
    high jump
    sprint increase
    auto health regain
    better weapon handling
    increased vehicle speed
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