I feel so stupid. and there's nothing i can seem to do about it. there's so much i need. but ill talk about my main problem. Math teacher. he's the worst teacher ever. he told us we were 95% trash and keeps insulting us. i've kept flunking on him, and i've been studying real hard. i'm an A student, but in that class i'm flunking. one day i was doing a talent thing island wide , and in the 45 minutes of class he gave a whole chapter of math. and i've started reading the book , but its hard. i've never been too good at math , but after i had him as a teacher, i had a B in math, after that, i've barely made it through with C's. but this year, it's worst. i've been real busy with lots of activities, but i've kept up with classes. but his class goes too fast. he doesn't care about the students, he insults us, and flunks us. and after he flunks us he tells us that even children could have gotten A's on the test , but we flunked. he's flunked whole groups, and is detestable. i don't know if i can take this anymore. he also makes us do at least 8 excersises a day. wich count towards our final grade. and what really, makes me so frustrated and depressed about his, is that everyone in my group is starting to get better grades than me. everytime, this didn't happen to me before , and i feel so stupid, my classmates make me feel stupid, i feel i can't do anything. yesterday we had a quimics exam(wich involved math), and i flunked, because i didn't have time to study, and not only that our math teacher told us that from the chapter he had material for 3 tests. and everyone shouted "tommorrow" "let's take the first test tomorrow" even my friends who knew i was abscent to the class that day, and that was all only this week....i really don't know what to do. i feel so, stupid, like i can't do anything. before i was regarded, because i was patient , and very knowlegdable, but now i feel like an idiot, i don't think i can do anything anymore.
no, not really, and i seriously doubt they can do anything, they can't seem to fire that teacher once and for all.
It's something to try. I'm positive they could do atleast something about it. Who says they'll fire them? They'll probably atleast have a conference about it and if nothing changes get more kids involved.
yeah, i remember . my sister was sent to a psychiatrist because of him, she also had all A's , and in that class for some reason she had F. and that's mostly the case with everyone , except for the ones who are good at math. who don't give plushies butt , about anything , and they have talked to the teacher several times, by the superintendent and most parents have complained. but even then , he hasn't changed. i feel so stupid, and even more when my inconsiderate friends couldn't care less about me flunking.
Firstly, I just want to say, it is completely wrong that your teacher is so insulting. He should be encouraging and helping, not ridiculing. I would advise you talk to someone about that as it is damagaing to your class's confidence not to mention the other pupils he teaches. I have a feeling you aren't going to like this answer dear. I think you maybe need to look at your schedule and cut out some of your out of class activities. Not an excuse, if you know you have an exam coming then you make time to study. You have to. This sounds to me like you expect the rest of the class to have to slow down their own learning process and wait for you to find the time. That isn't fair to the rest of the class. My honest opinion? You know that Maths is your weakest area so this is the area you are going to have to really push and study for. Tell your parents that you are having difficulty in the subject and see if maybe you can get some extra tuition. It will be a LOT of hard work but if you really want the grades then you really have to work for them. I think the fact that your friends are getting better grades than you should be a motivational factor and should make you want to push yourself. You are an intelligent guy, I know you are, and I firmly believe that if you dedicate yourself that you can improve. Obviously don't fill all your free time and spare time with maths, but if you are devoting more time to outside of school activites than education when you know you are struggling, you will just end up getting yourself tangled. So my advice is: talk to someone about the attitude and manner of the teacher, that really is not right of them to act like that. Look at your life schedule and maybe do some re-arranging. Good luck hun <3
Talk to a school counsler about it. If you have a good one, then it'll result in her saying that it might be best for you to switch and then it would end up that you would switch the class under the guidance counslers recommendation, ya know.
actually, this is something the teacher gave us a choice, to choose the date, for the test. and they we could have taken it next week, but for some reason they chose to do it tommorow. and the thing is more than half of the class....doesnt understand, and the teacher keeps giving class, and passing chapters. i was leaning more towards next week because it would be good to study on the weekend and be ready, because a day to study is kinda rushed, he started the chapter on tuesday(he gave the whole chapter) and then after that he started giving us a lot of excersices almost nobody understood, only the ones who are good at math(6 people out of 22) and then today annouced the test and the good at math said tomorrow was a good date!? and its not very nice when your "friends" laugh because you flunk and they don't. wich they have done. he's the only math teacher for highschool, even the other groups who were divided, to try to work better with people, but in the end they are getting screwed even harder, because they ALSO take class with him. only difference is that they don't have a test tommorrow because they chose not to. in our group , only 6 people said yes to have a test tomorrow , and that was enough to make it so.
If it was the beginning of the school year, I would say to transfer to a different math class to where you think the teacher would be better. But since it's not, you should really talk to a councilor. Tell them what's up, what's going on, and that you feel like this class is hard. They might help you come up with a solution to your problem. Talk to your parents too. They can help you out with what's going on, I'm sure of it. Or you can take an online math course. :) You know, one that can tutor you, so you can understand the math concepts better. That's what helped me get pass hard math courses. And keep telling yourself you can do it. The only one who has influence on you is you. You gotta keep telling yourself you're very smart and ignore the teacher. Drown him out if he starts yelling at the class about failing. Say to yourself, you're not failing. You probably won't see the effect of this at first, but you will eventually.
yeah, my parents saw me studying. and on sunday's i get tutored. that's why i preffered to have the test next week. anyways, a friend just called apologizing for laughing at me and saying that he will help understand the material. as for the teacher....i will try to block him out. i won't be able to go to the volleyball team's game due to my math grade...the school doesnt let you go if you have an D in a class. but i'll try my best on this next test.
Dude... some teacher's like to abuse thier athority over the students and treat them like c*** but don't ever let yourself feel stupid... you can do almost anything if you set your mind to it! your teacher obviously doesn't believe that... becuase (It sounds like) he tortures the class on how dumb they are. Don't listen to him or to anyone else who calls you dumb... becuase no one really is dumb... (except for gorge w. bush)