I've got really good news and bad news that might make you have nightmares

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Iskandar, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    So the good news is I got incredibly lucky today. I went to Target for my interview and I actually ended up getting a job offer. I managed to get a job offer with the very first place i got an interview at in Texas...believe me, I didn't not expect that to happen when I went int. And I will say, I was pretty nervous. I think it was mostly because I had more of a chance this time than last times because I have work experience this time. The job will pay $8/hour, which I'm actually fine with, since I put in $7.50 on the application, and I'll be working on the Sales Floor - Hardsales. While I didn't get the job at Gamestop, as much as I wanted it, I can still go there whenever I want to buy something and get to know the people there. Although I don't plan on leaving Target for a long time because who knows how much luck I'll have searching for a new job, or if it'll even be as good an opportunity.

    And the bad news that might give you nightmares? I just cleaned one of scariest bathrooms I've seen in my life. If you haven't seen a dirty bathroom in someone's house, or much of a dirty bathroom at all (restaurants and such don't count), than you don't want to see this. I was cleaning it and shaking the whole time because I have not seen such a scary scene in anyone's house. These people we're staying with are nice, but even at Bosch, which had well over 100 people about 1/3 of the sessions, and while they made dirty bathrooms......