Come to negotiate eh? ya slimy git!?! Look at what i got. I got a jar of dirt, i got a jar of dirt, i got a jar of dirt and guess what is inside =3...>>
Oh so that's what that squishy lump of goop I ate before was... . . . . . . Oh crap. Be right back, got diarrhea.
Why only there? C'mon, let him have his fun instead of childishly flipping him off. Seriously, where's the fun in looking for a fight anyway?
don't you mean her? She is a he look at the quote. I find her quite funny because she rp's badly. get more quotes please.
...Somewhere over a raaaainbooooww :=D: Where are the robots? I wanna see a robot-pirate-ninja battle. I DEMAND to see one.