Perhaps waxing it would help. xD Is it because you nick yourslef? D: Really...consider waxing it. Or use Nair.
It's like shaving your legs, but if you screw up, it still hurts, but you can't wear long pants or something over it and everyone gets to see it and say "lol you cut yourself shaving". Also, the hair pretty much comes back in 2 days, so you either have to shave it all off in a bi-daily fashion, or get a beard and make it look good, if you can.
For me its about 2-3 days and I get a mustache and goatee combo :< And yes, it does get itchy, but I prefer a tiny bit of itchiness over a beard.'re a manly man. :=D: 2-3 days is a fairly long time. Legs get...pretty prickly within a day. :< Who keeps a 5 o'clock shadow? Would you keep one?