Itunes Unauthorization

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Jasper Cullen, Feb 7, 2009.

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  1. Jasper Cullen Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 29, 2007
    at my house
    So I finally found my itunes file on my old broken, computer that my brother fixed for his senior project. And so I downloaded itunes and after all my songs,tv shows, movies, etc were finished uploaded onto itunes i tried to watch a tv show that i thought i had lost. But when i double clicked on it it told me to authorize itunes so i put in my username and password. However, it told me that i could only have 5 computers authorize. And it said i already had 5 computers authorized, which doesn't make any sense since i only have four computers in my house. So my question is how do i unauthorize a computer? or should i just make a new account? will that make is so i can or can't listen to my old downloaded music?
  2. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I think that making a new account will make it so you can't use anything you purchased with your old account.

    To unathorize a computer, go to iTunes, click Store on the top menu bar, then choose Deauthorize Computer. Note that when a computer is deauthorized, it won't be able to play anything purchased through iTunes.
  3. Jasper Cullen Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 29, 2007
    at my house
    Alright thanks I got it now, just had to deauthorize all of my computers and then just authorize the computers i'm using now.
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