And I'm gonna add a pre-emptive OH YEAH!? with this one because nobody ever responds when I post shit like this I feel like you're all secretly laughing at me for still being this enthusiastic about a kids' game series that has dragged on for way too long I-I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OKAY
That was a good read. Thanks for bringing up that "my liege" thing. I always wondered about it and thought maybe its because it was addressing a superior, but you brought in some good points as to why it can't be that. Lotta good damn stuff.
Honestly it is probably still that and I am probably just overthinking it but that's what I do Fish swim, weeds choke grass, Nova's radar spins full-tilt at all times AND GODDAMNIT I JUST LOVE THEORYCRAFTING I WISH I COULD GET PAID TO DO IT PROFESSIONALLY
Nova I envy your passion for video games and stories and I wish I could write and articulate my thoughts as well as you do
Fun fact for people who are new to the internet: long posts lead to tldr btw, I'm going to make a reply to that Chosen One topic, I just need some free tiiiiiiimmmme
If it makes you feel better it takes me a goddamn lifetime to cobble my thoughts together into something coherent
Hehe, I'm not very patient when it comes to expressing my self. My thoughts just spill out of my mouth (or my fingers?) as they come along and then I end up looking like a rambling mad man :c
It's ok I do that with my actual mouth so I feel u I have learned when speaking to just make jokes all the time or shut up That's another good trick That's a lie it's a terrible trick and I am a bad role model Oh good then I'm writing you correctly in KHVUL I was worried about that
Nope, I'm just a mad man, but remember, I'm a mad man that carries respect and discipline in his tone, no matter how crazy my words may be.