Hey I am a guy that usually uses cheats in games. I don't think I use cheats that often like I at least use cheats like max stauts and stuff. Like I just printed out cheats for tales of the abyss for Luke Max status. Like I know you shouldn't max the guys statuts at the beginning and stuff but I really wan't to! So I am just asking that do you guys think that using cheats is okay as long as you are enjoying the game?
I think it's fine. part of the fun of some games is getting passed a seemingly impossaable part. *cough* xaldin in kh2 *cough* but if your having fun it's cool.
what i do is i beat the game without cheats than i go back and play with cheats but its up to you......its your game
The only time I used cheats is in Warcraft 3. Hated those timed missions where your character wanted to auto-target every enemy it came across instead of saving their own hide. But I'd say if it was just you then it's fine but if you're playing on-line, than no.
hmmm...well personally i haven't used cheats since i was about 13, i find it takes away the challenge of overcoming a game with your own skill, and im my opinion, No challenge = No fun. But i do agree, that it can be fun to mess around with cheats in games, but I'll only ever do that, once i completed the game varouis times.
I've never used cheats help me in a game but i usually like to put cheats into games like GTA for a laugh. If you use cheats in games it kinda ruins the challenge & the experience.
i will normally beat a game then go back, and play around with the cheats and what not just to screw around. So yeah I guess if you are having fun, its not like we dictate what gaming ethics you have though.
I think cheats totally kill the gaming experience......I first beat the game and try to get 100%, then I start over with cheats and that way having already enjoyed the game I can play with cheats and have even more fun. Nothing is more satisfying than fighting a hard *** boss and finally killing him/her.....then playing it again with infinite health/ammo/magic/etc. and pwning that boss. To me if you start a game with cheats or like many of my friends do, use a strategy guide constantly throughout playing the game it totally kills the fun and challenge games are supposed to provide......I call those kinda people names that would give me a warning if Sara saw me post them >.>
I haven't used any cheats in a long time. But I would say that you should beat the game your playing before you use cheats because I've come across a few people who have claimed to beat a game, but they used cheats without beating it on their own.