Ummm... yo- *looks at post* ...I just got ninja'd by a person asking me the question ;_; Anyways, a Happy Birthday, and that is quite an awesome poster, i have one of those kinds too! They are like a cloth with "scrolls" on the ends. (But i don't have that one, i be jealous.) Happy Birthday!
That is quite awesome. Anyway. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a fantastic day and got everything you wished for ^,^
Happy birthday!~ You do have the best sister ever. Yep. I wish my sister was cool enough to get me a Zelda poster... Party Hard!
Isn't that almost yaoi? I mean, Sephiroth is kind of female, but it's so ambigious that I can't tell.
Cool! Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! Eat a lot of chocolate -and cake of course! Hours and hours gossiping with friends! Laugh! Smile! See presents! Well, anyway, wish you a great day today.