It's A Silly World Part 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by l0v3-pAoPu-fRu1t, May 28, 2008.

  1. l0v3-pAoPu-fRu1t Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 23, 2007
    Destiny Islands...
    Well, quite a long tim ago, me and 6 of my friends played a drama for school's final practical exam, titled It's A Silly World.
    The one who had the idea for the title and scenario are my friends, and I'm the script writer and maker too...
    Pretty difficult, I think to make this, but me and all my friends really enjoyed on making and playing this drama... Hope you enjoyed it!!!! ^^

    It’s A Silly World


    Narrator: Jean
    Mother LRRH: Shierene
    LRRH: Natasha
    Grandma: Stefi
    Prince: Ine
    Genie: Shierene
    Mother Prince: Thea
    Beggar: Niken
    God of Lake: Jean
    Giant: Thea
    Old Woman: Niken

    Narrator: Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named LRRH and her mother. One day, her mother told her to take a cake and fruits to her grandmother.

    Mother LRRH: LRRH, come here!

    LRRH: *run* What is it, mommy??

    Mother LRRH: Take this to your grand mother!

    LRRH: Mommy, I’m tired. I’ll take it later.

    Mother LRRH: No! Right now!

    LRRH: Ok, Mommy! *sigh*

    Narrator: Soon, she took the cake and fruits to her grandma.

    *On the way*
    Beggar: Help me please………

    LRRH: Oh! How poor you are! What can I do for you?

    Beggar: I’m hungry! Do you want to exchange your food with my nut seed?

    Narrator: She asked herself…

    LRRH: *low voice* If I exchange it, my mother and my grandma will be mad. But, if I don’t exchange it, he’ll die for sure…

    Narrator: Eventually, she decided to exchange it.

    LRRH: OK, I agree with you! *exchange*

    Beggar: Thank you very much little girl!!!

    Narrator: After the beggar left LRRH, she planted the nut seed that the beggar gave. She didn’t know that the seed isn’t an ordinary seed, but a magic seed.

    LRRH: Come on, grow fast!!

    Narrator: The seed became taller and taller, and it touched the sky.

    LRRH: Wow! It was amazing! And it seems that I can climb it… *climb, climb…* *Mario Bros*

    Narrator: She climbed that tree and reached the top. There, she found a big castle. She tried to go into the castle, and she found many foods inside. *Mario Bros fast fading*

    LRRH: Wow! It looks very delicious! I’ll bring it and give it to my grandma!

    Narrator: Suddenly, a big Giant came…*Black Water*

    Giant: Who are you??

    LRRH: *frightened* … I’m… I’m LRRH…

    To Be Continued...
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Read the rules.

    You've spammed four times in the creativity corner,
    and have killed four perfectly good fanfics of other people.

    Not to mention nearly killing my own.

    I think this is the wrong section anyway.

    Please read the rules first.
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    For the record, you probably shouldn't have made a thread for each part, just kept them all in one. the three other threads were not necessary.
  4. l0v3-pAoPu-fRu1t Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 23, 2007
    Destiny Islands...
    Yes, that's right!
    You know, I realized that I spammed when I had already posted 4!!!>x< (actually, there're 8 of 'em)
    Really want to move it, but I don't know how...>x<