The Titanic again in 3D. I saw it last night and I was SUCH a baby. This move always gets to me. My favorite scene from the movie! [video=youtube;bnm1sNuPQJQ][/video]
I like the part where they all die. My favorite part. /hasn'tseenbutthe30secondsofthetrailerbutknowspeopledie
Coincidentally, the night of 14 April 2012 will mark the Centennial of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Fun fact.
Not even gonna lie, I'm going to see this in IMAX 3D with my Mam and I'm going to love every minute of it.
I remember when the movie first came out, someone yelled at me for spoiling the movie for them. All I did was tell them the boat sank.
I don't understand why they're releasing it in 3D. I mean, I'm all for remastering old movies and re-releasing them so people have an opportunity to see it in a theater. But, why 3D? I mean, isn't the entire focus of the movie not the ship sinking and more on the love story?
Eh, there are some pretty good visuals of the ship that I'm looking forward to see in 3D. The 'I'm flying!' part will probably look good, as will the people floating around dead lol.